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"Can Drew and Kirin come to stay with us this summer?" Jeremiah asks walking into the living room where Susannah was sitting reading a book she put it to the side of the stand beside her "Are they okay?" Jeremiah chuckled and nodded

"Mom there okay they are just working here in the summer and wanted to come to spend their time here" "It has been a while since we have seen them if it's okay with you and Connie make sure the guest's room is ready for them" Jeremiah smile grew hugging his mom "Thank you thank you thank you" he repeated while running up the stairs to see Conrad and to call the Wests.

"Conrad" Jeremiah knocked on the door before opening the door and seeing Conrad at his desk reading a book "Jeremiah" He shut the book and turned down his music looking up at Jeremiah "Guess who's coming to Cousins" "I know Laurel and them," he says with a little smile looking to his phone "Well yes they come every summer, I'm talking about Drew and Kirin" Conrad looked back at Jeremiah "Really?" Jeremiah nodded "Im picking her up in the morning and Kirin is driving down in a couple of days" Jeremiah walked out of his room to call them already, Conrad smiled maybe for the first time in a while since its been since they were kids the last time they all saw each other.

"Kirin where are you?" Drew said passing by the rooms and stopping at the bathroom "Seriously?" she said seeing him with a face mask and brushing his teeth still in his pajamas "Yes?" she couldn't take him seriously and seconds later she started laughing "Hey! its good to start taking care of yourself you know" Drew rolled her eyes, he has more skincare products than a girl she thought "So what is it?"

"We are going to spend our summer at Cousins what do you think?" Drew was full of excited after getting off the call with Jeremiah a few minutes ago "We are? With who?" he asked taking out his toothbrush "The Fisher's who else do we know there" he smirked leaning against the door frame "Well we know Shayla and who else" "Ok ok shut up so are you going?"

"Yeah sure but ill be heading down in a few days I still got practice tomorrow and I don't start bartending intel at the end of the week" "Let me guess Jeremiah told you before I got to?" he smiles nodding making his way back to the bathroom.

It was always just the two of us, but once we met the Fisher family when we were kids Susannah opened her arms to us and the boys did the same intel we weren't able to see them for years and this year is when it ends.

"I thought you came here to help me pack?" Belly said looking to Taylor laying on her bed "I did and I will once you tell me about you and Conrad" "And when I ever do that you got to tell me about who you've been texting" Taylor raised her eyebrow and sat up but when she saw what the text "Holy shit" Taylor covered her hand with her arm before showing the text to Belly

"Holy shit there spending their summer in Cousins" Belly repeated, Taylor got up to pace back and forth and Belly laughed before she went back to her closet throwing stuff in her suitcase "So you and Conrad?" Belly shook her head looking over to Taylor and back at her clothes "You've been in love with him since you were like twelve"

"Belly let's go! 10 minutes are up" "I'm going!" Taylor brought Belly into a hug before she was ready to leave "We aren't done with this conversation" Taylor said leaving the room.

The drive to Cousins took like seven thousand years well that's how it felt, Steven honked the horn before turning off the car to let them know they were there, Susannah was the first to run out "Oh my god you guys look all grown up" she smiled giving Steven and Belly both a hug once she let go of the hug after a few minutes she went to Laurel after a few minutes Conrad was walking over towards them

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