Part 37: You'll walk again, I promise

Start from the beginning

Ukyo then continued walking but Gen noticed that he was slightly shaking when he said that.

"I tip my hat to you Ukyo," Gen said. "Not many people can take heartbreak as mature as that."

Meanwhile, Senku was sitting next to your bed as he told you what your condition is. Your wound on your stomach is still fragile which means you shouldn't move much in risk of opening it. As for your leg, it was healing faster than your stomach one but it was still pretty bad. You didn't like hearing this since it meant you were gonna be stuck in bed for a while.

"You okay," Senku asked.

"To be honest, I hate this," you said. "I'm gonna be stuck in this bed unable to help you guys."

"Well, we have enough manpower to go around since we got Tsukasa's guys with us," Senku said.

"I know but still. I feel like I'm useless just sitting here," you admitted.

"Well, you're not," Senku reassured. "You have already done enough work for now so you just need to focus on resting and healing."

You sighed as you appreciated him saying that but it didn't really change that you wish you could help. Senku then placed his forehead on yours and you felt yourself relaxing. You then took his hand into yours as you just liked feeling his touch. It helped you feel at ease and safe.

Senku slowly moved back but kept holding your hand. He then put his free hand up on your cheek and just stared into your eyes with a soft expression.

"Y/n you have no idea how happy I am to be touching you and talking to you like this again," Senku said.

You gave him a soft smile. "I might have an idea."

Senku chuckled. "I love you y/n."

"I love you square," you said.

Senku froze for a second as he comprehended what you just said. When he realized what you just said, he started to laugh a little.

"Did you really just say that," Senku asked as he was still laughing a bit.

"What do you not like my little science-math pun," you asked. "I thought it was clever and something you like."

"I'm not gonna lie, I do like like," Senku admitted. "But I hope you know, I will now only be accepting that response."

You lightly chuckled. "Yeah I figured."

You two share a smile as you saw that he was slowly struggling to stay awake. You figured based on the eyebags forming under his eyes, that Senku hasn't really been sleeping. You then asked if he could stay with you tonight because you didn't want to be alone tonight, especially after that nightmare but also so you know that Senku would get some sleep. Senku liked that idea as he was tired and he didn't want to leave you after that little panic attack and your 3-day coma.

After a few days, your stitches fully dried up but that led to another problem. Due to the cut on your leg and the hits you took from Hyoga, you couldn't really move your legs at all. However the only good thing was that you still had feelings in them which meant you weren't paralyzed. But that meant that you now had to do some physical therapy before you could get back to your normal schedule.

Senku being your genius and caring husband and the guy he is, obviously was gonna help you. So with the crafts team help, he made you parallel bars to help you get back to walking and all that good stuff. You appreciated his help but you did feel bad since you knew that you were interfering with the new goal of the kingdom of science.

To try and find the source of the petrification beam, the kingdom of science was going to sail across the ocean. So the new project for them was a ship. And to convince the people to help them the kingdom of science had a little stage play which was followed by a design contest for the ships design. The contestants were Yu, Magma and of course Senku. Magma had a pretty well design while Yu had a sad model that was supposedly the finished product but of course they went with Senku's amazing sailboat design.

A little while after you woke up, Senku told you what he did to Tsukasa. In order to save his life, Senku killed Tsukasa with cold sleep. By the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice, it was clear that was a very hard thing for him to do. You felt bad that he had to do that because you couldn't even begin to imagine how painful that would be. Not to mention, that you weren't there to help him and instead you were in a deep sleep yourself.

As for your physical therapy, it was a pain in ass. It was a lot harder than you hoped but being the stubborn person you are and with the help of the others, you were making it through. Even though you wanted to heal your legs quickly so you could help the others and make the finding the source a lot faster, you knew better than to push yourself. In the state you were in, you had to listen to your body and its limits more closely at risk of injuring or reopening your wounds. But you did have help.

Even though he would have preferred to stay with you through your entire physical therapy, Senku had to help with making the ship. So he trusted you in the hands of Taiju and Ruri for your physical therapy. Ruri was definitely the kind nurse you needed for this while Taiju was your hype man encouraging you through the whole thing. You appreciated Ruri taking care of you and making sure you were okay while Taiju did the same thing but making you laugh while doing so.

This little duo definitely helped you get through physical therapy and after a little over a month almost two, you were back on your feet walking around. You weren't allowed to do too much since your legs were still weak but at least you could walk around with no help. Everyone congratulated you on your recovery and was so glad to see you were now healed. With your recovery, the kingdom of science can do their work without any distractions. 

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