Part 24: Plan to see you hell

Start from the beginning

"I know," you sighed. "So you gonna come out or you just gonna stay in the shadows like a creep?"

The door opened and Gen walked inside.

"Sorry, but I didn't want the innocent, pure-hearted ones to hear this," Gen stated. "Kinro and Kokuyo wouldn't approve."

Senku chuckled. "I can sense an underhanded scheme brewing here."

"What you got cooking in that brain of yours, mentalist," you asked.

"Well, you know me," Gen said with an innocent smile. He then brought the innocent act. "All we need is the record and our pair of cell phones. With my plan, we can defeat the Tsukasa empire and save seven billion people with a bloodless siege. But if God really is watching us... then surely the three of us will be keeping each other company in hell forever."

"I'm not worried," Senku admitted. "God hasn't been a part of the world of science for practically ten billion years."

"Besides, we're all going to hell anyway," you said. "At least now we'll have company."

"So whatcha got, mentalist," Senku asked.

"Quiz time! Can either of you name the key to the Tsukasa empire," Gen asked. "Which of the following three options is the unifying force that holds the people within it together? A.) Food. B.) Hot chicks. C.) Tsukasa himself."

"C.) obviously," Senku answered.

"Bingo! Tern billion points," Gen exclaimed. "Tsukasa himself. He was already a charismatic popular celebrity, thanks to his 'strongest primate high-schooler' title." Gen got an evil grin. "So what I think is that in order to break them apart, we simply need to enlist a celebrity of our own." Gen's voice started to change as he got into character. "Someone who's as famous and popular as Tsukasa." Gen got fully into the role of Lillian Weinberg. "Hey! I'm Lillian Weinberg, y'all."

You and Senku were shocked by the Gen's impression. Gen coughed as he went back to normal.

"Not bad, eh," Gen said. "I can fake it somewhat. Far from perfect, though."

"That was actually a pretty impression Gen but I am a bit offended that you're comparing this Tsukasa guy to Lillian in famous states," you admitted.

"Not to mention, even with the impressive impression, it's still ten billion percent obvious he's a dude," Senku added. "So that's a problem."

"Yes. It is," Gen admitted. "However, hearing it over a phone with poor sound quality like ours..."

You and Senku gasped as you guys realized what Gen's plan was.

"And with the voice on the record as authentication," Senku added.

"Bingo! A hundred billion points," Gen exclaimed. "You need to step up your game y/n-chan unless you're okay with submitting defeat to your husband."

"Knock it off Gen and just continue explaining," you said.

Gen had a playful smirk before showing you two the record. "They'll hear the raw power of Lillian's live singing over the phone. A voice so unmistakably overly-lay, it could only belong to her."

"Well, yeah, it does belong to her," Senku pointed out.

"They won't have a choice," Gen stated. "They'll have to believe that Lillian's alive on the other end of the line."

Gen then gave you guys a mental image of the scenario of his plan. His fake Lillian speaks through the phone as telling the Tsukasa empire that the world hasn't really collapsed. And that the United States has already recovered and is currently sending help to Japan.

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