Since they're from the stone world and they're kids, the kids were confused on what space food was. While Gen couldn't believe that once again Senku has a craft that could never exist in the stone world. And instead of being the voice of reason, you were going along with your husband's crazy ideas. Gen just couldn't believe any of this.

*Kingdom of Science base*

Old Man Kaseki and Chrome were excited to start on a new craft. Suika was confused about what space was but Chrome explained it as the bad area way, way above the sky. However Kohaku wasn't really excited since it was simply just food. However Senku explained it was more of food with an upgrade and they were simply gonna make their foxtail millet ramen battle ready. Those chosen words got more of them excited for the task but it still left the question of why you guys needed it.

"Is the plan of attack to launch lots of streaming hot bowls of it at the enemy," Kokuyo asked, clearly liking that idea.

You, Senku and Kohaku couldn't believe that just left his mouth. Even though he might not fully understand science, surely he can figure out that idea was stupid not to mention illogical. Ruri tried to be nice about the idea by saying it was a good thought but most likely not the plan. Those words and the judgment stares from the three of you, shattered Kokuyo.

"There isn't any gravity way up in space -- not to mention any room or time to sit down for a meal," Senku explained. "This stuff is quick to prepare and mega-nutritious."

"It's also small, light and ultra-portable," you added. "The military actually had something similar called MRE's or Meal, Ready-to-Eat."

"That is very true," Senku said as he wrapped his arm around you.

"I see. Tsukasa won't attack in the winter partly because he wants more men, but that's not the only reason for him to wait," Gen said.

"Nice job figuring that out, mentalist," you said.

"It's a pretty obvious problem," Senku stated. "In this stone world, an ice-cold winter battlefield is a frozen version of hell. But to us, that's just another hurdle we can clear by using science. Once we develop a warm, proper meal that we can prepare instantly, then we'll have a ten billion percent advantage."

"A winter battle's ultimate weapon," you said.

They get pumped up by the sound of space food since it does sound like the thing that will help you guys get the upper hand. It was the final super item you guys needed for your attack on the Tsukasa empire. So it was time to get started.

First you guys had to make the actual ramen and Kohaku told you guys to leave that to her and the rest of the villagers. So while the village was busy either making ramen, that left you, Senku, Chrome and Old Man Kaseki to make a machine that will turn the ramen into space ramen. Thankfully, you and Senku had already started making a plan for it while Gen was telling his story. You guys were simply going to vacuum the ramen. In other words, take all the air out.

"Ah! Like when we built the cell phone," Old Man Kaseki said. "Those vacuum tubes were a real pain in the neck. Wait, did you say vacuum the ramen? I'm lost."

Senku chuckled and got a bit of an evil look on his face. He explained what you guys were gonna do. This got Old Man Kaseki fired up and as usual when he gets fired up, he yelled and tore off his clothes. The air force he made knocked Senku and Chrome out their backs as you just used your arms to block the wind.

"Looks like the craftsman is ready," you joked as you helped Senku and Chrome stand.

Kohaku and the other villagers finished a batch of ramen which meant they simply just had to put it in some bowls and done. However Senku stated that won't be necessary since you guys were gonna freeze it solid. This shattered the villagers as they were confused as to why you guys needed to freeze the ramen.

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