The Couch

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Inspired by Season 6 Episode 5 

*Phone Rings*

"Pick up the phone Elaine-" Jerry grunts as the phone rings again. 

Elaine finally picks up.

"Jerry? What do you want?"

"Elaine! It's nearly 10am where are you?"

"What?" Elaine asks confused. 

"You were supposed to be here at 9am to make up some exscuse to get Newman out of my apartment and now he won't leave- and he's eating all my food."

"Sorry I was just up all night...again."

"You really need to fix your sleep schedule." Says Jerry. 

"I know, I know. I'll be right over." Elaine grunted, getting out of bed. 

"Jerry, you really need to go food shopping." Said Newman,  after going through Jerry's fridge. 


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Elaine knocks on the door.

"Jerry It's me." She says.

Jerry runs over to the door hoping she has an excuse that will make Newman leave.

"Hey." Say's Elaine, as Newman get's up to get more food. Elaine sits down on the couch saying nothing.

Jerry points to Newman while he isn't looking and makes a face at Elaine, trying to explain that she was supposed to help get him out of Jerry's apartment before he eats all of Jerry's food. 

"Oh! Uh yeah right I have to talk to you about that uh-thing-at work..."

Newman turns around. 

"Oh go ahead, I won't listen." 

Jerry rolls his eyes. 

"Newman if you don't mind I have to speak to Jerry in private."

Newman turns around looking disappointed.

"Oh, okay." Newman says, walking out the door then turning around.

"Can I just take a sandwhich for the road?"

"Bye Newman." Said Jerry, closing the door. 


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