Percy's POV

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Percy's POV

It has been 500 years and I can still remember the worst day of my life perfectly.


I had just gotten back to camp Half - Blood from school. It was finally summer break! And not only that but when I goy there I had found out I had a half - brother named Matt! And I would get to see Annabeth too! I thought my life couldn't possibly get better. How wrong I was. I was so focused on finding Annabeth that I didn't notice everyone wispering as I walked by, or how everyone would scowl at me like I was the devil. I finally found her down by the ocean, but she wasn't alone. There was a boy with ravon black hair sitting next to her, and even though I just saw her back I knew it was her, I would recognize those princess curls anywhere. But something didn't make sense, the boy and Annabeth were sitting on a picnic blanket, the exact picnic blanket we always used when we went to the beach. I didn't necessasarily think that anything was going on between them until I saw her lean over and kiss him! I felt enraged, sad, disapointed, and most of all betrayed. I gasped. Annabeth must have heard and turned around, when she saw me her eyes got as big as saucers.

"Percy i-its not what you think!" She said

"Oh really? Then what is it?" I spit out, pushing all my amotions down, the only emotion that I had on my face and in my voice was disgust.

If possible her eyes got even bigger " Percy I-I love you, this was only a little fling while you were gone."

"How long?" I said the betrayel evident on my face

" W-What do you mean?" She asked.

" How long has this been going on?"

" U-Ummmm maybe 3 months?" She said uncertanly. Mean while her other 'boyfriend' was almost laughing at us, and it just made me even more mad.

I just turned around, shaking my head and started walking back twords my cabin.

" Percy I-I'm sorry. Can't you forgive me?" She asked, tears streaming down her face.

" No, I can't" I said, you could hear the heartbrake in my voice. And then I took off running. I stayed in my cabin for a little while, I even skipped most of dinner. But my stomach started rumbaling so I decided to just go down and get a quick bite to eat. When I reached the eating pavilion I saw tonse of lights coming from it. I decided to peak in instead of just walking in. When I did I saw all the campers lifting the same boy that Annabeth was cheating on me with. They were all saying how amazing he was and that he was so much better then me. Even Thalia, Grover, Nico, Juniper, Jason, Hazel, Piper, Frank, Leo and everyone else I thought were my friends were saying how 'stupid and un-loyal' I was compared to my brother, those were there exact words. The only people that looked like they didn't agree, just a little bit was the Ares cabin. Which was wierd but I geuss thier father, being the god of war, they respected all warriors that didn't gloat about them selves, like the person that I just realized was my brother, was. And right when I was about to turn away my 'father' decided to speak...

" You are officially my favorite son! I might as well disown Percy, you are so much better!" Poseidon siad in a booming voice. I just couyldn't take it anymore. I turned and ran to my cabin, the voices of my ' father ' and ' friends ' bouncing around in my head.

Once I had gotten to my cabin I pulled out a golden drachma and threw it in some mist I had created. " Sally Jackson " I said

The Iris message sparkled and showed me my apartment being taken over by monsters, my mom and Paul, lay dead on the bloody floor. I couldn't beleive it. My whole entire family had either betrayed me or was dead. That was officialy the last straw. I packed all my stuff in a plain black back-pack, I also left a note to anyone that cared. And I ran. I never looked back.

I spent maybe a month fending for myself, before I met Chaos. When I did he offered to make me the commander of his army. I said yes, and we left earth, forever

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

But I didn't care anymore. That was all in the past, and I wasn't planning on looking back anytime soon. But apparently Chaos had different plans for me...

Okay so comment and tell me what you think, and who you think  should and shouldn't be together, as a couple!

Song I'm listening to - The Lonely by Christina Perri!

Thanks and comment please, oh and you should know I problably spelt a ton of things I can't spell at all! Sorry in advance!

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