This one is for you

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Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathu.

I feel like Iam losing the touch over the hifdh motivation for me and others. I don't want that to happen. So here we go,Back to all the motivation mine and your heart needs. Alhamdullilah.

Motivation for you. If you are doing hifdh right now or having an idea to,Then you are blessed. Alhamdullilah. first thank Allah . now. fall into sujood. and Thank Allah.. okay ? But then hifdh is not only about having the words of Allah Subhahanahu tha'ala in our hearts but it's about, following those words in our lives, bringing it to our life. we memorize an ayah ? We have to read the meaning of it and then bring that rule,What Allah said into our life . We have to follow it. Isn't it what real hifdh is ? Subhahanahallah.. May Allah accept us,Aameen.

Keep me in your duas.

Motivation for you. If you are doing hifdh right now or having an idea to,Then you are blessed. Alhamdullilah. first thank Allah . now. fall into sujood. and Thank Allah.. okay ? But then hifdh is not only about having the words of Allah Subhahanahu tha'ala in our hearts but it's about, following those words in our lives, bringing it to our life. we memorize an ayah ? We have to read the meaning of it and then bring that rule,What Allah said into our life . We have to follow it. Isn't it what real hifdh is ? Subhahanahallah.. May Allah accept us,Aameen.

Missed you all,

Did u miss me. ?

Tag people and make this useful to even one ,May Allah bless you,Aameen and ease your trials. Aameen. And keep you happy and blessed and loved,Aameen.

Jazakallah khairn ❤️

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