Yeji's eyebrows creased and she could feel a lump in her throat growing. She quickly pulled Ryujin into her arms and hugged her before she had a chance to notice Yeji's glossy eyes.

"Thank you." Yeji whispered in her ear and she could feel Ryujin smile into her shoulder.

"Remember, I'm always on your side, unnie."

- - -

Going back through the airport and waving at the crowds of fans that had gathered to send them off was something Yeji had never though she'd hate doing. But now, knowing Midzys had probably seen every headline and small comment about her, shame weighed down on her shoulders and features, her mask barely able to cover her sullen expression. She waved here and there and pulled the cap she was wearing firmly down on her head, wanting nothing more than to run away and hide. Fortunately, taking some deep breaths seemed to calm her thoughts down enough to go through boarding and finally takeoff.

Unfortunately the worst was still yet to come.

Once they'd landed back in Korea, as soon as they'd stepped through the barriers the other side of passport control, Yeji's world seemed to to turn to chaos.

Flashing lights of cameras blinded her and the insistent shouting of reporters meant she could barely hear any of the people around her who were trying to get her to the cars as quickly as possible. Questions bombarded her left, right and centre and soon the group's walking turning to shuffling as a huge mob crowded them further, all vying for the prime position to snap a picture of Korea's latest scandal.

A camera and microphone were shoved in Yeji's face and she quickly stepped backwards to avoid it only for someone else to bump into her shoulder holding up a phone. Journalists and fans jostled around her and Yeji felt like her breath was being squashed back into her lungs, when suddenly she felt a gentle arm wrap around her waist. She glanced down, already knowing who it belonged to, and relaxed slightly upon the sight of Ryujin's knitted jumper sleeve gripping her own jacket.

She focused on the fact Ryujin was right beside her all the way up until they were safely in their company car before finally releasing a breath she hadn't been aware she was holding. She heard the relived sighs of Chaeryeong and Yuna behind her but was feeling too overwhelmed and guilty to  check up on them. After fifteen minutes or so Yeji heard the light, tinny sound of music coming through someone's headphones, probably Yuna's, above the noise of the rumbling engine beneath her. Too tired to ask her to turn it down, she instead leaned her head against the trembling window and shut her eyes, her thoughts flitting around her as the familiar sights of Seoul greeted her somberly. The darkening skies reflecting the feeling of emptiness seeping slowly inside her.

- - -

A phone call from her manager usually wasn't anything to be concerned over. However given it was only a couple of days after returning, Yeji's nerves were still shot from their previous conversation and she had to take a few deep breaths seeing the contact name pop up on her lock screen. It was probably just to let her know JYP had posted her statement. Or maybe it was to tell her she'd been acquitted from all the false accusations. She had been disciplined enough not to fall into the temptation of looking herself up online yet and had stayed off Bubble for a whole day just in case, but the problem with that was she had no idea what the current situation was. So with nervous anticipation, she answered the call.


"Hello, Yeji?" Came the crackly voice of her manger through the phone.

"Hi, what is it?"

"I'm afraid I have bad news."

Yeji's breathing stopped.

"The situation's not easing up, in fact there's a lot of complaints about you performing at the last concert, so unfortunately the company's decided to put you on a temporary hiatus."

There was a pause.

"Oh." Was all that Yeji could manage, her heart shattering in silence.

"Only for a couple of weeks, while the company fights to resolve the issue and deal with the source of the misinformation,  it it means you won't be participating in any group activities for now."

"O-ok." Yeji gulped down her anxieties. "So I should just stay here?"

"Yes. Stay at the company, don't go out in public and please try to keep your private life to yourself. The other managers will also be letting the rest of the members know in the next few days before the announcement is made, so they know what's going on."


"Do you have any other questions?"

Yeji had a hundred. But at that moment, none of them could get past the lump forming in her throat.


"Ok, well just message me if you do. I'll be in contact. Fighting!"

Before Yeji could respond the phone hung up and she was left standing in her room, suddenly aware of how quiet it was and how alone she felt. Like sharp pins stabbing at her, the words of the conversation echoed in her head as she processed it all. Hiatus. No group activities. Each one pricking a little harder the more she thought about it.

She felt the urge to chuck her phone across the room and let it smash into the wall but immediately reprimanded herself for thinking so childishly. Tears welled in her eyes at the unfairness of it all and before she knew it she was crying and clutching at her teddies that she had carefully tucked under her duvet that morning.

Just then, she heard a couple of small knocks on the door.

A Nightmare Come True (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now