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"A beautiful, beautiful girl. What a surprise! She has your eyes Rhaenyra, doesn't she? And look at her little white hair! She is going to be just like her mother!" Laenor were wandering around the room, with a baby girl in his arms and a smile on his mouth. Baby was not crying, she was looking at him as she was only murmuring.

Also Princess Rhaenyra there, was laying on the bed as she was holding another baby. A crying little boy with brown hair and eyes, and a pug little nose.

She did not had the courage to answer Laenor, she did not even had the courage to breathe. Daugther was lucky she thought, but her son wasn't. She looked at him, for a long time. She caressed his soft hair, his cheek that gotten red because of his insufferable cries. He was crying, shouting. Princess wanted to cry with him. The weight of being a mother has conquered her at that moment. Her eyes were teary, she was only seventeen that day. All of a sudden her children did not made her happy as she would think she'd be. Which was all a mystery from the very start.

Thousand thoughts were running in her head, as she was trying to calm the poor boy. Was she the same person as she was yesterday? She became a mother, a mother to two and maybe more in her time left. Being a mother was harder than being a daugther, an heir or a King she thought. If it was not, her mother would be still alive.

Laenor sat beside her, he was not always a thoughtful man but an emotional one in his own ways. Prince leaned the baby girl closer to the boy. "Look at your sister, look how calm she is." said Laenor. How unaware he was from anything. Suddenly the boy got calm, he only looked at his twin sister. Baby girl smiled at him, she laughed even. She tried to reach her little hands to his face, and he was not crying anymore.

Rhaenyra watched the little scene with tears, and a broken smile. She looked up at Laenor speaking once again.

"They shared a womb for months, she must have calmed him succesfully that we did not realise you have carried not one, but two all along."

Princess only smiled. He was right, they were not expecting twins. From her pointed, upwards belly it was sure a boy was coming. But two babies came out of that room that day.

Some fools thought the babies had different fathers, one was from Daemon, one from Ser Harwin. Some thought they were both from Ser Laenor, due to his mother's dark hair. Some said a dragon egg hatched the moment Rhaenyra was giving birth to her son, and from that egg, a baby girl with Targaryen features came out. As a gift to the Princess from the gods, same as the way they sent her the white stag. Nobody except Rhaenyra knew the truth, it was an uncertainty since she was not fully concious. However she was born, it did not matter. The questions was asked, the rumours was spread. Even if an actual dragon came out of Princess Rhaenyra that day, it would not change a thing. Grudges were already held at her throat the day she was known to be the heir. She could have done nothing to keep her children away from all of it, but only to raise them to fight against it.

Rhaenyra tried to speak, but her voice did not come out of her beautiful mouth. Oh, if only Laenor knew how tired she was. She tried once again, she coughed a few. "I want to name her after my mother, not quite sure about the boy's." she said with her husky, calm voice.

Laenor's face went down, he never thought about it. He was busy thinking how thankful he was to the gods to send him a children with a familiar look.

"Aemma? It is a matter you should discuss with your father Rhaenyra, it is some-"

All of a sudden she was not trying, but was forced to open her mouth.
"No, it is a matter that he won't take any part but to accept! Nor will you!" Princess yelled with pain in her voice. Laenor was surprised but deep down he knew. Rhaenyra was never healed from her mother's tragic death but the thing he never knew was how she was afraid to experience the same. Now she was afraid for her daugther as well.
"She was much more of a mother to me than she ever was a wife to him. It is my decision, my child, my daugther."

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