your curls are beautiful (requested)

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"Taylor? Baby, are you almost ready?" You asked as you knocked on Taylor's bedroom door.

You and Taylor are supposed to walk to school together today because it's such a beautiful day outside.

You're all ready to go, you're just waiting on her now.

"Yeah, almost." She replied.

"Can I come in, baby?"

"Yeah." She said.

You opened her bedroom door and let yourself into her room before closing the door behind you.

She was dressed and looked to be ready to go, at least to you.

"I'll be ready in just a minute. I just need to straighten my hair real quick." She spoke as she reached for her straightener.

"What? But I love your curls." You said as a pout appeared on your lips.

She shrugged her shoulders wordlessly in response to your comment.

"Taylor, why are you straightening your hair?"

"Because." She sighed. "I'm insecure about my curls."

"What? Why? They're so beautiful and unique."

"But I don't think everyone else thinks that." She said as she dropped her straightener on the table.

You walked over to her and wrapped your arms around her.

Who cares what they think? Your curls are gorgeous, Taylor, and so are you."

"Thanks, baby, but-"

"No but's. Taylor, other people's opinions don't matter. They're just jealous that their hair isn't pretty like yours."

She smiled a little.

"I love your curly hair. I love running my fingers through it and I love the way it looks on you because it's your natural hair and it is beautiful, baby. Don't feel like you need to straighten it just so people will like it better. Because they don't matter at all. Embrace your curls, darling. They're absolutely perfect."

She turned around to face you and sent you the brightest smile.

You could tell that her insecurities had vanished thanks to your sweet and assuring words.

"I needed to hear that. I appreciate it, my love. It's nice to hear, especially because it's from you."

"You're welcome, baby. Don't ever change who you are, okay? I love who you are very much and I won't ever stop telling you just how perfect you and your beautiful curls are."

She kissed your lips softly, only for her bedroom door to open.

"Come on, lovebirds. It's time to get going." Andrea said.

You took Taylor's hand and she grabbed her things before you exited her room.

"You didn't straighten your hair!" Andrea smiled.

"No. Y/N made me feel better about my curls. I think I might start loving them after all." Taylor smiled as she kissed your cheek.

And Andrea breathed out a sigh of relief because she knew that Taylor had become insecure about her curls.

Of course, you being the amazing girlfriend that you are to Taylor, would absolutely change the way she felt about them.

It was just another thing to love about her and you hoped that, someday, she'd love her curls too.

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