✩-Paper Rings-✩

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A/N: Mikey and Y/n are both 13 in this! I was listing to Taylor Swift and her song Paper Rings came on and I got this adorable idea 🤭 I suggest listening to it while reading!

Y/n's Pov

I walked into Miguel's house and took my shoes off at the door, "MIKEY I'M HERE!!" I shouted, jumping up and down as I ran to the stairs

"Y/N!!?" I heard him yell from up the stairs

"Where are you?" I asked, not seeing him in his bedroom

I heard running behind me and soon I was lifted off the ground, "I missed you so much, Mi Corazón," He mumbled

I giggled as he sat me back down on the ground, I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I missed you more Mikey," I spoke, kissing him on the cheek

He looked down trying to hide the blush on his face, "I'm hungry come on," I laughed, grabbing his hand and running down the stairs

"I could make us some mac and cheese," He smiled, pulling out a box from the cabinet

I nodded my head, "I'll make chicken strips too," I spoke, walking over to the freezer to get them

"Uh... what's the first step again Mi Amor?" He asked, scratching the top of his head

I laughed and shook my head, "Water Mikey... let the water boil," I said, grabbing a pot for him

"Oh right!" He smiled taking the pot from me and filling it up with water

"I swear I'm never letting you cook by yourself in our future house," I said

I looked back seeing him smiling big at me, "What?" I asked, raising my brow

"You wanna live with me?" He blushed, grabbing the pot and walking over to me so he could place it on the stovetop

"Of course, I wanna live with you, you're my boyfriend," I said

He turned so he could place his arms around my waist, "Say that again," He smiled

"Say what?" I asked, laughing at his cheesy grin

"You know what," He said

I sighed rolling my eyes at him, "Your my boyfriend," I smiled, blushing

"Damn right I am, not that loser ass Alex boy in our math class," He said, kissing my cheek

I raised my brow as I pulled away from him, "Alex? Is this because he offered me some of his gummies in class?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest

"Well he's rude first off and he bullies me, and he is trying to get with you," He spoke looking down

"Aw Mikey, I would never leave you for him, I love you way too much," I whispered, placing my hands on his face and kissing the top of his head

He snapped his head up and stared at me, his eyes went wide and he started blushing like crazy, "Hey you alr-" I tried speaking before he cut me off, kissing my lips

I was in shock at first but I soon kissed him back, his soft lips pressed against mine. We have never kissed before and I didn't understand why he wanted to do it right now. We both pulled away and placed our foreheads on each other.

"I love to corazón," He smiled

"I was waiting until we went out for ice cream tomorrow but I think I want to give it to you now," He spoke, letting go of me and walking to the stairs

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I'm going to get your present, just hold on," He spoke, winking at me before running up the steps

I turned around a continued making the food, I couldn't help but smile at what just happened, I just had my first kiss!! and it was with the love of my life!! I knew then that I wanted to be with him forever.

"Found it!" He shouted as he ran back into the kitchen

"Don't look!" He yelled

"Christ okay," I mumbled letting out a huff

I heard him dig something out of his pocket and then something hit the ground, "You can look now," He spoke, I turned around to see him on one knee and smiling up at me


"I know we are too young to get married for real- but I want to marry you now, so I made you a ring, I know it isn't real but It will be one day," He smiled, a blush taking over his face as he held the paper ring up, it was decorated in glitter and designs

My heart melted at how cute he was, how could I say no to that beautiful face and those big brown eyes, "Will you marry me Y/n?" He asked

I nodded my head and squealed, "YES MIKEY!" I giggled, pulling him up and kissing him hard

He grabbed my hand and slid the ring onto my finger, "I promise that one day it will be a real ring, I love you Carniño," He smiled looking into my eyes

"I love you too Mikey," I whispered, pulling him into another kiss

So what did we think?? It was short I know but I thought it was cute 😭

Also a little fun fact! I used to be friends with this girl (We were like 10 at the time) and she was so pretty and she ended up confessing her feelings for me and proposing to me with a dandelion 🤍 My parents ended up moving us away so I don't know where she is anymore but I am determined to find her

Also, I just wanted to say I thought ab starting a GC on insta and I wanted to know if you guys wanted to join (No haters obvi) if you do want to join just message me your user! 


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