We Got Bad Blood.....

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"Boo!" I shook my head in disappointment just as Caroline appears on the steps to the upper level, looking offended. As that was the lamest performance ever it nearly put me to sleep.

"Are you booing me?" She scoffed like she really expected me to be impressed by all this? Booing her was well deserved as this looked like same lame attempt from some cheesy horror movie.

"Boo!" I stood there with my arms folded as I only give credit when credit due and none of that was going to be given.

"I scared him!" She turns to the bartender. "I scared you, right? With the whole chair-flipping, and the bottle thing?" I shrugged my shoulder not at all impressed by her efforts at all.

"Who are you people?" This bartender was clearly more sacred of the fact that his co-worker was lying dead how carelessly Caroline and I were talking about me being unimpressed with her actions.

"Oh! I'm Caroline-" She gestures to me and I waved to him. "- This is Siena." She points to the dead body. "And that? Mmm... was delicious." She turns to me. "Taste!" I walked over to the dead body and tasted his blood and I had to admit he was kinda tasty.

"Mmm!" I spoke as I licked the blood from my fingers and the bartender looked disturbed as I did.

"...What's going on?" He spoke as he looked between the both of us I think fear was kicking in but not as Caroline intended.

"Well, Caroline and I had a little bet that she would scare you to death-" Which was obvious that it couldn't happen but keep the little mind entertained. Caroline interrupted me in mid-sentence.

"-Like, literally scare you to death." How the hell did Nico put up with her? Like I would kicked her to the curb but it seems he had his father traits. A sucker for a pretty girl even when they're not clearly good enough for them.

"But, you have to understand- this is her first time messing with somebody, so she didn't realize the whole "dead body shock-drop"-thing is a complete cliché." Which it was like what was she thinking when she came up with this? I'm apparently boring this was meant to be fun...

"Cliché? This guy was my friend!" He yelled. Of course human get attached to people and they grieve and whine and... well they are pathetic.

"Well, then why aren't you freaking out? A panic attack? A heart attack? Come on, give me something." The bartender does start to freak out, to the point that he tries to run away, but I thought to take matters in to my own hands and show her the only way someone can be scared to death was one way only. I vamp-sped over to him and blocks his path, staring him deeply in the eyes.

"You're having a heart attack!" I couldn't help but smirk as I told him that and Caroline stood behind him not looking best pleased with me intervening.

"What are you...?" He starts to groan and cough painfully. "My... my chest. What's happening?" I could hear the sound of his rapidly beating heart becomes louder and louder.

"She's not playing fairly. That's what's happening." Caroline spoke with annoyance but sometimes with games there always someone who don't play fairly. Well I like to cheat and show how it's actually done.

"Please, help me." He gasped as she clutched to his chest, this was a lot more fun that moving chairs or letting perfectly good alcohol go to waste.

"Alright, just relax. It's mental. You only think you're having a heart attack." Caroline killing the joy out of all this but I'm guessing she doesn't like my tactic of scaring this human.

"Now your throat's tightening!" I grabbed my throat and fake coughs as the bartender grabs his throat and gags. "You can't breathe!" I couldn't help but giggle as the bartender falls to his knees and gasps desperately for breath. "Oh, my God! Are those spiders all over your body?" He moans in agony as he starts rolling all over the floor, and Caroline sighs exasperatedly. After a long moment, the bartender's heart stops beating, and he finally dies. "Hmm, look at that! Poor guy was so scared that he died of a heart attack." I looked over at her with her expression that was clearly not happy that I took over the situation. "So grass hopper technically, he died of a loophole courtesy of me." I couldn't help but be pleased with myself but I knew that Barbie was going to throw a tantrum as I spoiled her little game. "

'Inflamed Passion' A Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang