Somehow, the feeling that he was grinning or smirking behind his mask was creeping up at you. The blue of his shirt became a blur as he started running to attack you from behind. Leaning to the side and stepping away, you turned and flinched as metal hit metal once again. The blond male jumped back as air flowed back and forth in your lungs. "You're holding back, aren't you?" A scowl appeared on your face, your eyes narrowed at him.

"You want me to go full out?" Killer sounded surprised as he straightened his stance, his head tilted to the side.

"Of course! I can't become better if you try to lower your strength to match mine!" You growled and gripped the sword tighter before tensing the muscles in your calves. Another clash and your weapon met his another time. His mask was tauntingly near, scythes withholding your sword as your hand glided to hold your weapon in place, pushing forward. You pushed with all your strength and if you pushed further, you would touch the mask covering the first mate. He only had to move his scythes a little bit and you would be dead, you knew that, but he didn't.

The mask tipped your forehead right before Killer moved his leg and kicked in your stomach, throwing you off guard and on the ground. A growl erupted from your throat, not from pain, but frustration. Killer simply approached you slowly, his scythes spinning in his hands. Your hands moved to above your head, catching your sword there and with a push of your leg, you moved your body over your head, landing with your sword between the blond and you.

"Faster." You heard as he was suddenly behind you, holding his scythe against your neck. One turn of the weapon and you would be dead. A huff flew through your nose as you looked at him from the corner of your eyes.

"Again." You muttered, pushing away his weapon with your fingers, carefully not to cut yourself.

Killer snickered from behind you, taking away his body and with him the heat he radiated. A flash of sadness flickered in your eyes, mirroring what you felt in the inside.

A couple of fights later, you growled loudly and pointed the tip of the sword towards Killer's neck. "Again, damn it."

"I think it's better for you to stop." His voice was calm, a huge contrast as to your own ragged one. Breathing stung and you had to hold the mast to keep upright as your legs were almost going to stop keeping you up. He had hit you with the blunt side of his scythes every time he had the chance. He didn't want to hurt you. You didn't read anything in it. You didn't want to cloud your mind with minor things to be occupied with.



"No. I don't want to stop. I need to become better." You mumbled, eyes flickering to the side, catching the reflection of the moon in the rippling water.

Thudding of footsteps neared your figure and a calloused finger pushed you back between your collarbones, making you almost lose your balance. You glared up at the taller man as he scoffed down at you. "You're exhausted. We can resume tomorrow, but for now, get to bed." With a defeated look, you locked your eyes with the holes you were sure hid his. A small 'fine' was muttered as you placed your sword behind your back and trudged away from the first mate. "Midnight, sharp." He yelled after you, making you turn back and throw him a quick smile before your figure escaped the reflecting rays of the moon.

The corridors were dark without the flickering of flames. The wood a dark brown with the lights on, now more black as you waved through the maze, looking from door to door. Your feet, after memorising the place, brought you mindlessly towards your room. The door was creaking, letting you make a mental note to oil the hinges soon. Quickly, you put your sword down and against the wall before peeling off your wet clothes and making your way towards the showers. You didn't want to feel all sticky in your comfortable bed.

Killer x Reader One shots/drabblesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें