IV ~ Reconsider

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Her unexpected request left me utterly taken aback, standing there in a state of astonishment. 

I overheard her and the Viscount's conversation before, yet, I could not have fathomed that she would now approach me with such a request. Did Anthony alter his intentions after I stopped listening, and asked his mother to talk to me?

"I am sorry, I do not understand. You wish for me to end the engagement?" I inquire, seeking clarity. "It is evident that his heart does not hold true affection for you, nor do you harbour such feelings for him. It is but right that he be given the opportunity to find someone with whom he may share a special bond."

I could scarcely find the words to respond, stammering, "I-I am at a loss for what to say." "Do not say anything, but please do the right thing before it is too late. It is another person's happiness you should consider," she replies and walks off, leaving me in a state of bewilderment.

I do not know what to do or think. Even if what I feel for the Viscount is not yet love, I still feel something. Something I cannot yet explain.

Overwhelmed with conflicting emotions, I seek refuge in the garden, finding solace upon a bench overlooking a tranquil pond.

"There you are," Anthony's voice interrupts my contemplation as he steps in front of me. "I noticed my mother's return but failed to see you. Are you well, Miss Euphemia?"

A smile graces my lips for I do not wish for him to see me upset. Nodding, I respond, "Indeed, my lord, I am quite well."

"May I?" he inquires, gesturing to the vacant space beside me on the bench. I grant him permission with another nod.

"So, have you started any of the books from my father's library?" He initiates the conversation. "Indeed. I found Shakespeare's "Hamlet". A book absent from my own collection. I hope you do not mind me borrowing it?" I ask. 

"Of course. I have not read much of Shakespeare's work. I confess, much of my reading revolves around matters of business and estates, which, I must admit, are dreadfully boring," he nearly whispers as if someone might hear. 

His honest remark provokes a spontaneous laugh from me, which I quickly stifle behind my hand, though I can see the glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

"I assume, as a Viscount, you do not have much time for leisure," I say once I compose myself. "Indeed I do not. But I would be delighted to hear the stories you have encountered in literature."

My face lights up, forgetting about the conversation with Lady Bridgerton. "No one ever wishes to hear them," I answer truthfully, my smile mirrored by his own.

Thus, I entertain him with a tale from one of my favourite novels, and he listens with unwavering attention, an act that fills my heart with appreciation.

When our exchange concludes, we prepare to leave the garden. However, as Anthony takes a step backwards, a sudden sight startles me. A snake crosses our path, causing me to collide with him and accidentally send him tumbling into the cold waters of the pond with a splash.

My laughter echoed, and I struggled to contain it. "I am terribly sorry, my lord," I say, still laughing.

"Yes, I can see your remorse," he replies, his lips twitching in an attempt to hold back a smile, but eventually, he gives in. "The least you could do, Miss Euphemia, is help me out," he suggests.

As I extend my arm to aid him, mischief gleams in his eyes, and before I know it, he pulls me into the water with him.

A shocked shriek escapes my lips at the sudden chill, followed by his unrestrained laughter.

"I cannot believe you just did that!" I exclaim, splashing water in his direction. Surprised by my response, he retaliates with splashes of his own.

 I try to swim away to avoid him, but he captures me by the waist, and for a moment, we stand there, locked in each other's gaze. After a pause, I break free from the trance, splashing him once more, and our laughter echoes once again.

That went on for a few minutes. It was a wonderful moment. The foolishness and the laughter reawakened memories of carefree days that have passed.

The moment ends when I start to shiver. "Perhaps we should seek shelter indoors before you become ill," Anthony suggests, and I nod in agreement. 

With his help, I emerge from the pond, my wet dress now heavy with water.

He removes his wet coat, and I could not help but steal a brief glance at his now translucent shirt before swiftly composing myself.

"In truth, it has been years since I have experienced such enjoyment," Anthony chuckles, to which I join in wholeheartedly. "I must agree, my lord," I reply, sharing his sentiment.

"Anthony," he says softly, catching me by surprise. "Call me Anthony, Euphemia," he clarifies, and I nearly swoon. He asked me to call him by his given name. I smile while looking down so as to not embarrass myself by blushing.

"In that case, I wholeheartedly agree with you, Anthony," I emphasize his name and a warm smile graces his features.

As we return indoors, he fetches two blankets, draping one over my shoulders to offer additional warmth and we settle near the comforting glow of the fireplace.

"Would you care to join me for a horse ride tomorrow?" Anthony inquires after a brief pause.

At that moment, the conversation with Lady Bridgerton resurfaces in my thoughts. If she desires me to end the engagement, perhaps it is the right path to follow. It would be far from ideal to embark on a union with someone whose mother does not approve, and I sincerely wish for Anthony's happiness, even if it means it cannot be found with me.

"That sounds most delightful," I reply, accepting his invitation.

And so, the decision was made. Tomorrow, I would bring an end to our engagement.


Thank you for reading.

XO - E.

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