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It was finally summer. Summer had always been my favorite part of the year by a long shot. The Conklin's had been coming up to our house in Cousin's since before I was born. We all basically grew up here.
My name is Kendal Fisher, I am the youngest of the Fisher siblings, and today is official the start of our summer.
Me and Jeremiah were cleaning up the kitchen, mostly arguing over the division of chores, when we heard a car door slam.
"They're here!" Our mom, Susannah called from the living room.
Me and Jere shared a glance, before we both bolted for the door. Jere of course, made it there first, but I wasn't far behind. We wrestled for the door knob, and Jere, who was a year older, six inches taller and pure muscle, won right away.
He went on to hug Laurel, and I immediately went to Belly.
"Bells!" I squealed, throwing my arms around her.
"Kendal!" She hugged me back tightly. Me and Belly were only about seven months apart, I was sixteen, and she was fifteen. "It's so good to see you! Oh my god I love your outfit." She said, glancing down at my black denim shorts and purple tank top.
"Thank you!" I said. "You look so different."
She laughed. "Different in a good way or a bad way?"
"Good, definitely."
I moved out of the way so Jere could talk to her, when I heard another car door shut.
I turned around to see Steven. And he looked good. His dark hair was longer, and he was significantly taller.
"Look who's all grown up!" He said with a smile.
I stood on my tiptoes so I could give him a hug. "Me grown up?" I said, letting go. "What, did you grow like a foot since last summer?"
He shrugged, an easy grin on his face. "Something like that."
Just then Conrad appeared from behind the house. I gave him room to say hi to Steven, and went to see Laurel.
"We missed you guys!" I said, giving her a hug.
She mouthed to my mom, She's gorgeous.
Susannah mouthed back, I know, like I wasn't standing there.
Laurel put her hands on my shoulders. "You have always been lovely, but look at you."
I shrugged. "I look pretty much the same."
"You do not look the same at all. You're growing up."
Steven came up to us and put and arm around my shoulders. "As much as I hate to interrupt this reunion, we have business to attend to."
"Charming, as always, Steven." My mother said with a laugh. 
"What business?" I whispered as he lead me to Jere, Belly, and Conrad.
He gave me a mischievous smile. "Belly flop." Before I could reply, he spoke to my brothers. "Hey, hey, guys, guys. I mean, I don't know about you, but . . ."
"Well, I think it's time for a . . ." Jere cut in.
"Belly flop!" The four of us shouted, and Belly tried to run, but Jere caught her almost immediately. Me and Steven each took one of her arms, and my brothers took her legs. We carried her around the house to the pool, laughing as she squirmed.
We counted down, and threw her in.
"How's the water?" I asked her between laughs.
"Wanna find out?" Steven asked slyly.
I shook my head and started backing away, but Steven quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, before promptly throwing me into the pool.
I resurfaced and pushed my hair out of my face as Belly climbed out of the pool. "I hate you, Steven."
"Ah, c'mon Kendal. We all know that's a lie."
I rolled my eyes and stuck out a hand. "Help me out."
Steven took the bait. As soon as he grabbed my hand, I pulled as hard as I could and he toppled into the water. 
He resurfaced, and I laughed at his stunned expression, before swimming to the edge and climbing out. Belly handed me a towel.
"C'mon Steven." Jere said, laughing. "That's the oldest trick in the book."
"Shut up, Jere." Steven said, pulling himself out of the pool.
My mouth dropped open slightly. His white tee shirt was completely see through, and clung to him, revealing toned abs and biceps.
"Damn bro," Jere said. "You been going to the gym?"
"Yeah," he laughed. "A little bit."
Jere snorted. "Looks like more than a little bit. Right little sis?" He said, nudging me.
"What?" I said stupidly, tearing my gaze away from Steven.
"Doesn't Steven look hot?" Jere said with a smirk.
Steven saved me before I could reply. "Alright man, relax."
My face heated up, and Belly caught my eyes, and mimed a gag. I bit back a smile as we followed the guys inside.

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