Part 6

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Word Count: 1297

"I love you." Y/N whispered as they lay in Tom's bed. "I love you too." Tom whispered back, tucking some hair behind her ear. Y/N yawned. "You should sleep." Tom told her. "Why?" Y/N asked, looking into Tom's dark eyes. "Because it's late. And you're tired. And we have Potions tomorrow." Tom said. "Ugh again? Who came up with having Potions first thing two days in a row?" Y/N complained. Tom chuckled. "We're doing Amortentia." He told her. Y/N smirked. "And what will you smell?" She asked. "You. Now sleep." He said and closed his eyes. He's smitten. Y/N thought, closing her eyes too. "I am." Tom agreed. "What?" Y/N asked, opening her eyes. Tom's were still closed. "Smitten." He clarified. "How did you know that?" Y/N asked, propping herself up on her elbow. "Legilimens." Tom said. He wrapped his arm around Y/N. She snuggled into him and they fell asleep.

"You're wearing too much perfume love." Tom said as they sat down in Potions class. "It's the Amortentia, silly." Y/N said. "What do you smell?" Tom asked. "You." Y/N smirked. "Aw it's so cute!" Sag exclaimed quietly and the four started laughing. Then the chatter died down as Slughorn started explaining Amortentia. Y/N yawned and put her head on Tom's shoulder. "Tired?" He asked. She nodded. Tom put up his hand. "Tom, m'boy. Do you have a question?" Slughorn asked. "No, sir. Y/N doesn't feel well, I was wondering if I may accompany her to the Hospital Wing?" Tom said. "Yes, Tom, you may." Slughorn said, and went back to teaching. Tom stood up and offered Y/N his hand. She took it and they walked out together. "What do we tell Madam Pomfrey?" Y/N asked. "Nothing. We're going to my dorm." Tom said. Y/N smiled. She couldn't imagine how this lovely and caring boy turned into Lord Voldemort into the future. Who would've thought? The Lord Voldemort. The Tom Riddle. In love with her?

Later that day, Y/N was walking around the castle. Tom had gone to the library to study, and she couldn't find Ivy and Sag, so she was bored. She saw Charles walking near her. "Hi." She said cautiously as they passed each other. "Hello." Charles said with a smile. Y/N couldn't tell if it was real or fake. "How are you?" She asked her ex-boyfriend. He shrugged. "I'm OK. How about you?" He asked. "I'm really happy." She said, but regretted it when his face fell. "I'm sorry." She said. "It's not your fault." He told her and walked away. "Why are you talking to him?" Tom asked, glaring after him. "I saw him and I decided to make conversation." Y/N answered. "I don't like you talking to him." Tom said, looking her in the eye. "I was just making sure he was OK." Y/N retorted. "He's not your boyfriend anymore." Tom told her coldly. "I'm aware. I ended it. For you." Y/N told him. "I'm aware." Tom said, copying her words. "Ok, so why-" Y/N started but Tom cut her off. "Because I'm jealous!" He said loudly. Y/N flinched. "Wait no Y/N-" He started, about to apologise,  but she ran outside. She ran down to Lake and stood beside it, watching the reflection of the sun on the water. Y/N didn't like it when people yelled at her. Especially men. It never ended well when her dad yelled at her. But how could she explain that to Tom? She couldn't. She'd have to lie. Make up a new truth. "Y/N!" Tom called out to her. Y/N turned around and Tom jogged down the hill to the Lake. He grabbed her hands. "Y/N, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." He said. "It's ok. I just....don't like when people yell. My parents never yelled." She said. "I'm sorry." Tom said again. Y/N pulled him into a hug. "I love you." He whispered in her ear. "I love you too." She whispered back.

"So that was our first fight." Y/N said to Ivy that night at 1am as they sat on their beds. "Oh come on, that hardly even counts as a fight." Ivy said. "We argued. It counts." Y/N said firmly. Then the two burst into giggles. There was a knock on the door. "Who is it at this time?" Y/N complained, going to get up. "Maybe it's Tom." Ivy teased her. "It's probably the girls in the other dorm telling us to shut up." Y/N decided. "Hey, you asked." Ivy defended. Y/N opened the door. There stood a Slytherin with honey blond hair and pale grey eyes. Y/N had seen him looking at Ivy before. "May I help you?" She asked, confused. "I want to talk to Ivy." The boy answered awkwardly. "It's for you." Y/N said, turning back into the dorm. Ivy grinned and walked over. Y/N zoned out, staring at the ceiling, until she heard the door shut. "Who was that?" She asked, sitting up. "Uh...Abraxas Malfoy." Ivy answered. Oh. Malfoy. Y/N's mind was so stuck on the fact she just met Draco Malfoy's grandfather- who didn't have platinum blond hair as she had expected - that she almost missed the last part of Ivy's sentence. " boyfriend." Ivy finished. "What?!" Y/N shrieked, regaining her senses. "Well now you'll wake the whole school up." Ivy said. Y/N ignored her. "You have a boyfriend, and you didn't tell me? I'm disappointed." Y/N said, shaking her head in feigned disappointment. Ivy shrugged and giggled. "He's so sweet though." Ivy sighed. "Now what? I'll find out Sag secretly got with Angel." Y/N said. "Oh, Merlin no. The day Sag gets that girl will be the day hell freezes over." Ivy said with a laugh. Y/N broke into giggles too.

The next day Dumbledore called Y/N into his office. "You wanted to see me, sir?" She asked. "Yes. I have found someone to mend your timeturner, but it will take two weeks." Dumbledore said. Y/N nodded and left the office. She had no clue how to digest this bittersweet news. On one hand, she wanted to go home. To her friends, to her family. But she had friends here too. And a boyfriend. Maybe she could bring him with her? No, that was put of the question. Her boyfriend was Tom freaking Riddle. Everyone would kill him before he had a chance to say hi. She was so consumed in her thoughts that she walked into someone. "I'm so sorry-" Y/N started but she was cut off by a deep chuckle. "What were you thinking about?" Tom asked her, taking her hand. "Nothing." Y/N said, shaking her head. "Are you sure? It didn't seem too happy." He pointed out. No, it wasn't. Y/N hesitated. It didn't feel right keeping things from him, even though the whole Y/N Tom knew was a fake. But she couldn't, couldn't tell him. She just couldn't. "Yeah, I'm sure." Y/N said, putting on a fake smile.

"Hey Ivy." Y/N said, sitting in her bed in her dorm. "Hey. Are you ok?" Ivy asked, probably noticing Y/N's downcast expression. "" Y/N admitted. "What's wrong?" Ivy asked, patting the spot beside her. U/N sighed as she sat next to Ivy. "I'm going home in two weeks. It's a really bittersweet thing." Y/N explained. "Oh, I'll miss you." Ivy said and they hugged. "Will you tell Tom?" She asked. Y/N shook her head. "I won't be able to handle it." She sighed.

Yeah....I know Tom is supposed to bot fall in love, but that beats the purpose of this fanfic. I also know he's supposed to be mean and rude and all but have we seen him with people he actually likes? No. But this is just my interpretation :).

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