Act 3

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this can't be happening 

"right shit, we need to get you to the car" I gentle grab her arm and help her to the stairs 

"there's always two killers who and where is the second" I shit she's right "ahhhh Samm it hurts" 

"ok you stay here sit here *I help her sit on the floor* I'll get help I'll call 911" she just nods at me 

I make my way up the stairs to see someone in a ghost face mask jump on Sidney I try to run to her but feel a knife go into my gut I turn to see "Richie" of course 

"did you miss me?" I hate him

"hey babe take them to the kitchen" Amber takes the mask off while addressing Richie, we're pushed into the kitchen all I can think about is Y/N

"you know Sid *AHhhhhhh* what was that" Amber turns to Richie he shrugs "wait" she smirks and walks down to the basement shit 

"Sam what is it" Sidney whispers to me 

"Y/N, she's in labour" her eyes go wide in shock, we hear stumbling on the stairs, the door opens and Ambers limp body falls out Y/N grabs the wall for support 

"fuck" Richie runs at her but I throw myself at him I promised to protect them and that's what I'm going to do 


I keep blacking out Amber managed to get my shoulder, Sidney kneels next to me "hey Mama bear, you did good, lets get you out" I nod while she helps me up 

"what  about     -my ending" 

 "here it come's" I see Sam slit Richie's throat fuck that's hot not the time Y/N 

"ahhhhh SAM"

she come's rushing towards me 

"It's okay baby I got you"

"oh damn" Gale says as she limps in with Tara she must of got shot 

I black out completely when I hear sirens 

I wake up to see white lights above me I go to sit up but feel a shooting pain in my stomach, THE BABY Sam Tara fuck 

"hey baby it's ok" I feel Sam stroke my hair "are you ready to meet your baby boy"

"Our baby" I say and she smiles while resting him on my chest and she kisses my head  

"our baby she whispers" I just smile 

"I love this tigger suit" 

"I bought it from the hospital gift shop" 

"I love it and I love you" I say to her as she gets in the bed behind me 

I hear a faint knock at the door, Mindy, chad and Tara walk in

"is that my nephew" Tara says I smile at her, Sam kisses my head and stokes the babys back.


ok so book two will be out very soon!!!!

if there's anything you want to see please comment and like :)

A baby (Sam carpenter x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now