Chapter 2

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"Oh, just call me Izuku, no need to use the full name," Izuku stammered slightly. "We better go inside. The exam is going to start very shortly." Sachiko agreed and the two headed inside. They took a seat and watched as the announcer was making a fool of himself, creating silence within the room to sound louder than ever.

"Oh my god it's the voice hero president mic," Izuku gushed like the nerd he was. "I listen to his radio should every week." Sachiko glanced at Izuku before glancing back to president mic. 'Izuku must know a lot about heroes. I never really took much notice of names. That could be a disadvantage on my end'

"Will you shut up," Bakugo groaned which Sachiko glared slightly.

'This rude guy why the hell did he have to sit close by? To think Izuku says this is normal behaviour is beyond me'

Trying to ignore the rude Bakugo guy, Sachiko listened to the rules of the exam. Noticing her card had the letter B written onto it. She glanced at Midoriya's and smiled pointing to his card. "Looks like we are in the same area Izuku. Might work out well that way," Sachiko smiled and watched as everyone went to their assigned areas. 

There besides the two of them had that same brunette girl from earlier. Izuku started to head towards her for a moment before a tall guy stopped him and glared at him.

"What are you going to do? She looks like she is getting prepared. Are you going to distract her and have her lose her chances at winning?" Glasses over here spoke to him like garbage. Sachiko then noticed and watched as the other contestants were muttering about Izuku, about how lame he was and the no competition he seemed to show. Sachiko huffed angrily and reached forward, pulling Izuku behind her.

'Why are people do judgemental?!'

"Well excuse you! Bad mouthing people on their first day. What gives you the right to say things like that? You should never judge a book by its cover glasses," the guy took a step back not expecting the outburst, especially from someone shorter and delicate looking. "Watch what you say before it bites you in the back." Sachiko hissed giving the guy a cold stare. 'He doesn't deserve my nice side if he is treating innocent people like this'

"I uh apologise you are right uh miss?" glasses stood tall and straight. 

"The name is Sachiko Shigaraki! I do not take mean people lightly."

"Well Miss Shigaraki I hope you forgive me. The name is Iida Tenya. I do wish you luck in the exam. Please again accept my apology, same to you young man" Iida walked away as the announcement went off and everyone began to run in the gates. Sachiko began to run through the gate but noticed Izuku frozen in place.

"Izuku hurry it has begun," she exclaimed before running in. She ran another direction away from the others and watched as a two pointer machine came out of nowhere. With determination she whipped out her huge fan and concentrated. She spun around and flung a huge hurricane towards the machine which broke apart easily due to the pressure from the hurricane. The machine pieces flew to the ground and Sachiko raced off to find more. "I sure hope Izuku is doing okay... maybe I shouldn't have left him." She mumbled as she continued on winning against one, two and three pointed machines. If she was right she was around the 35 mark before noticing a zero pointer machine come out of nowhere ahead.

A huge crowd of contestants began running the opposite way of the machine. Sachiko couldn't believe how huge this machine was for a no pointer. It looked worse than the robots with points to them. She was about to turn with the others when she saw Izuku racing and jumped up high with his right arm laced in a red colour. "Izuku wait!" she began to call but noticed Izuku yelling as he sent a huge punch to the machine. She realised it was to save the brunette from earlier. She gasped at the strength he displayed and was amazed to see him in action.

"Wow well done Izuku!" she cheered for him. She took a moment before realising after the machine went down, so was Izuku. She noticed his limps were floppy and realised he was injured quite badly. Sachiko raced with her fan, controlled the air around her to lift her up and she reached out to grab Izuku. She felt the force for a moment as he fell onto her before she balanced herself and landed gracefully onto the ground. She placed Izuku in a sitting position before inspecting him.

"Thank you Sachiko," Izuku was grateful but broken. Three limbs of his were broken and she watched him trying to continue on when a horn rang through mentioning the end of the first exam. She kneeled in front of him with a sad look as she saw tears run down his cheeks.

"Hey Izuku its okay... I am sure you will do fine in the second round. But I don't know how you are going to continue with these broken legs and arm of yours," she sighed as she grimaced while she touched his right leg. That looked so painful she couldn't begin to believe how he was feeling. "Izuku are you alright, you don't look too wel- Izuku!" she watched as he fainted onto the ground, unconscious.

"Didn't think he had something so strong within him," one spoke from the crowd that was walking towards them.

"Yeah, me neither." Another pitched in and Sachiko sighed not sure how the first person she met today will be able to continue through. A nurse lady came out onto the field providing gummies to everyone before giving Izuku a... kiss on the head?

'What is she... wait wow! Look she healed him like nothing else! Wait I know her she is recovery girl. I saw her on some of the nursing shows I seen time and time again in the staff room. She is amazing!'

Sachiko watched as everyone was leaving after everyone was dismissed from the exam. It was time to head home and Sachiko had some help from Uraraka the brunette girl from earlier in bringing Izuku to one of the benches outside before helping to wake him up. Izuku had a gloomy look as he realised the exam was over but thanked the two girls before heading off home.

Arriving at the shop Sachiko was engulfed in a huge hug by Reika. "Welcome back sweety, how was your day? Did you make any friends?" she questioned the young girl.

"Well, I think I did okay? I mean I am not sure how many points the others received but I managed to get 35 points in total. But I did meet someone else. His name is Izuku and I also met a girl named Uraraka. They are both lovely people. Some others were rude but I guess you get them everywhere. But enough about that I will quickly change and prepare the food before it all runs out for the customers." Sachiko ran to the back to change before placing her bandana on and began making rolls of sushi and preparing sashimi on plates before placing them onto the train. She was happy to see the restaurants sushi train was a hit in the area. She spent a few hours there before dragging herself home and had a quick shower before heading into bed.

She opened her phone and saw an email, a video attached on congratulating her with the points and that she passed with flying colours and gave her instructions to her classroom for tomorrow. She smiled at this and hoped tomorrow would bring more light to her. 

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