Just as the bag was handed to me, Zack started to cry. Ugh, why does today have to suck so much?

            “I’ll get him,” Niall offered walking over to me, offering his hand. “Take the test, prove them wrong while I take care of Zack, and then I want you back in bed.”

            “Look at Niall being responsible,” Zayn teased. Niall glared at him with a look that said ‘Don’t push it’. I took Niall’s hand, and brought him up the stairs; but I had a plan for making those baboons suffer for stressing me out even more. But I’m going to need Niall’s help with this. Once he and I were up the stairs, I pulled him aside. He had a confused look on his face, but he knew I was up to something, and he wanted in on it. Which was a good thing, because he was going to be a part of this whether he liked it or not.

            “Okay, so I’m going to take the test,” I started to explain my plan as he calmed Zackary down. “And after you finish up with Zackary, you’re going to head downstairs. Now, only you and I know that I’m not actually pregnant, despite what those bozos think. Then when the time runs out, I’m going to come down in tears. I’m going to tell them that the test is pregnant, and then we’re going to watch their reactions. Then after a minute or so, we’ll tell them that I’m not really pregnant. That’ll teach them not to believe me.”

            “See, even though I love your cuddly side, I also love your vindictive side too,” Niall replies with a smirk. “See you in a few minutes babe.”

            Niall kisses me on the lips before I run into the bathroom to take the test. Even though I keep telling him that he’s going to get sick from kissing me, he just won’t listen. Not that I’m complaining too much… I do love kissing him. To me, kissing Niall is like Niall having an all-you-can-eat Nando’s.

            After reading the instructions, I follow them before heading back downstairs. Everyone is looking at me as though I have an answer for them.

            “Well?” El asks, growing impatient.

            “Relax, the test takes five minutes,” I say with a little bit of sass. I’d like to blame it on being sick, but something tells me it’s from being around Louis’ too much. The girls throw their hands up in defense as we wait for the five minutes to pass.

            When the timer on my phone goes off, I walk towards the staircase. I can already feel everyone’s eyes on me, including Niall’s. I know that he has a straight face on, but like me, he’s smirking on the inside.

            Once I walk into the bathroom, and I see the test is negative, I reach into the medicine cabinet, and pull out those fake tears that actors use all the time. And before anyone asks, the only reason I have them is for when I had to convince Harry to do something as a kid. He could never resist his “innocent, crying, little sister”. To this day, he still doesn’t know about them. I’ve gotten away with so much because of their help. Once I felt my eyes water, I let the tears fall down my face, letting my face get all red to make it convincing.

Niall’s P.O.V.

            Alex’s plan is nothing short of genius. I love it, and I can’t wait to see the reaction from all of the girls. The best part is going to be what the boys thin. It’ll definitely teach them a lesson about believing Lexi and I. I mean seriously, why would we lie? We’ve told the truth the entire time we’ve known each other. The only lies we’ve ever told were about surprises that needed to stay surprises. Everything else we’ve been open and honest with them. We’re basically family, and keeping secrets only creates unneeded tension.

            When I hear sobs coming from Alex as she flies down the steps, I see tears streaming down her face. Damn, she’s pretty convincing. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that she was pregnant. I love nothing more than being a father, but even I’m not ready for another child. If Lexi was pregnant, I would still be happy though. I would only stress about how much she would have to go through. She runs into my arms, and sneaks a wink at me before letting out another convincing sob into my chest as I held her tight. At least something good came out of this. I get to hold my girl.

            “Alex what’s wrong?” Dani asks in a panicked tone.

            “It’s positive!” Alex cries out. There was a very quick moment of silence before started to take it all in, and let it all out.

            “You son of a bitch!” Louis and Harry shout into the computer. I could see disappointment in Liam and Zayn’s eyes as they tried to hold Louis and Harry in place. The girls on the other hand were frozen in place. I was expecting the biggest reaction to come from them. I was expecting to hear some squeals, or even see them rush over to Alex for support. But they just stood there in shock.

            “Niall, you are so lucky that Liam is holding me back,” Louis shouted through the computer. The picture was shaking, telling me how much of a fight the boys were putting up.

            “Oh guys,” Alex continued crying. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and paid attention to her. She certainly knows how to gather the attention of everyone in the room. And luckily, she’s all mine. “I’m not pregnant.”

            “What?” all three girls asked at the same time.

            “I lied,” Alex said, wiping away any remainder of fake tears that were left in her eyes. I have to remember to ask her how  she did that.

Alex’s P.O.V.

            My big reveal didn’t go as good as I hoped. Everyone got kind of pissed. Once I explained the truth, they weren’t exactly happy with me. But you know what, they should have believed me the first time. When they asked me how I was so sure, I told them that it was my time of the month. That explained the mood swings that Louis claimed that I have. Plus, being sick just makes me that much more irritable. The girls left embarrassed, but had a faint touch of anger that I would go to that length to prove a point. That actually shocked me, seeing as how they know about the time that I put liquid laxatives in soup I made for Louis, Liam, and Zayn. Nothing should surprise them anymore. Eh, they’ll get over it. Now that that fiasco is done with, I’m going back to bed to snuggle up with my amazing boyfriend and my adorable baby boy.


Guys, did you really think I would make Lexi pregnant again already? I actually found it quite comical how you all thought she was pregant, despite the fact that Lexi denied it to Niall. I was going to clear up the rumor, but when so many people started beliving it to be true, I just let it be, and decided to make you guys sweat it out ;) Well, not that I've written this chapter, just know that Lexi isn't pregnant again (yet, maybe X) )

Let There Be Love: Sequel to We Found Love (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now