Chapter 20

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Author's Note: Talk about a photo finish, lol. Well, I just want to thank you guys for the 4,000 reads in three days. It means the world to me. Also, getting "We Found Love" ranked again after almost two months of being complete. :D I know this chapter is a little shorter than what I usually write, but I hope the content makes up for it. I think in the end, I managed to put in a little bit of everything: a little bit of cheekiness, a little bit of romance, and some humor. I hope you enjoy, and I look foward to hearing what you guys have to say about it! --Ekat =)


Alex’s P.O.V.

            Once we had Zackary in the car seat, Niall decided he wanted to sit in the backseat and play with Zack. I’m really glad that Niall and the boys have a week off. I’ve missed them, and I know damn well that little Zackary has missed them too. When I look in the rearview mirror, I see Zack with a huge smile on his face, and laughter escaping his mouth. His reactions only make Niall smile. I know how much it kills him during the week, not being able to spend all of his time with Zack, but that just makes these times all the more special. Their facial expressions alone tell me how much they miss and love each other.

            “Do you ever think about the future?” Niall asks, bringing me out of my trance. I think for a minute, and then give him a confused look.

            “What do you mean?” I ask, uncertain about what he wants to hear.

            “Like when the new album comes out, and how that will affect the three of us as a family,” Niall elaborates. “Or when it’s time to enroll Zack into school, and if we’ll be there or not to help him through his emotional struggles.”

            Ah, now I get why he’s been acting so weird lately. I pulled the car over on the side of the road, and shut the engine off. He looked up at me with confusion in his eyes. I gestured for him to join me in the front seat. He lets out a sigh, but leaves Zack, and climbs over the seat, and joins me up front. I put my hands in his hair, and pull him down so that he’s lying in my lap. If someone were to pull up alongside of us, and peer into the car, I’m sure they would be freaked out. But I know for a fact that when Niall’s stressing out, doing this and food are the only two things that will cheer him up. And seeing as how we’re in the middle of nowhere on our way to the zoo, this was my only option. The more I stroked his head, the calmer he seemed to be. I almost laughed when I thought I heard him snoring. But then he opened his eyes, making me stop laughing. We just sat there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, staring into each other’s eyes. Even little Zackary was quiet.

            “How do you do it?” He asked, shaking his head in bewilderment. Now it’s my turn to look confused.

            “How do I do what?” I asked. In return, he smiled up at me as he reached his one arm up, and stroked my cheek with his index finger.

            “You know the perfect thing to say or do to take all of worries away,” Niall replied. “It’s funny how people think I’m so carefree, yet I have all of these worries. But the simplest touch added by you, and I’m as calm as a sleeping baby.”

            “All you have to do is pay attention,” I responded, not taking what he said too seriously. “Anyone that knows you knows that food is always a place you turn to for comfort. And anyone close to you knows that you like to communicate through physical contact; so it only makes sense that you like people massaging your scalp and having hands run through your hair.”

            “You are so modest, that it’s not even funny,” Niall said with a chuckle in his voice.

            “Whatever,” I say, knowing that we are never going to come to an agreement with this topic. He obviously knows about the reason for my response, because he rolls his eyes at me, but that smile never leaves his face. “But to answer your question, yeah, I do think about the future. And just so you know Niall, you have nothing to worry about. Whether you believe it or not, Zack loves you.”

Let There Be Love: Sequel to We Found Love (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now