𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7

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" For now I only found 3 marechi in the school. " Tsukiko stated

" Who? "

" one of them is my Classmate, TetsuTetsu. The other is in Class A and if I remember correctly their names are Eijiro Kirishima and Bakugo Katsuki. " Haku said

the open window came Ren

Haku put her arm out as Ren landed on it, " CAW! Kohaku-sama, the Ice Hashira requests for your presence! CAW! "

" It talks?! " Mt lady, Midnight, Present Mic, and Hawks yelled. Kamui smacked his head sighing sounding absolutely done with their shit. Kamui swore he completely lost his Fuckin mind

" I'm sorry but I'm currently needed at the moment . " Haku said apologizing bowing slightly

" No need. " Nezu said with a sweat drop

" Thank you. " Haku thanked as Ren flew out of the window, they looked at Kohaku who disappeared

" What's happening? " Uraraka exclaimed confused as she saw a hoard of students in front of their door

" What's your business with Class A? " lida asked calmly

" What is this? We can't get out. " Mineta exclaimed from beside Midoriya, raising his fist up " What are you doing here? "

" Inspecting the enemy, you scum. " Bakugo said while making his way to the door, " Since we all survived the villain's attack. So they came to expect us. "

Mineta pointed at Bakugo with a scared expression he turned to look at Midoriya, " That's him being neutral. " once Bakugo made it to the front several students began to sweat as they looked at the blond male with a worried or rather scared expression

" There's no point in doing that. " Bakugo glared at the students,

" Move, rubbernecker. " lida's hand goes into his usual chopping motion

" Stop being rude to people you don't know. " lida exclaimed

" I came to see the rumored Class A, but... you're pretty arrogant. " someone said as they walked their way towards Bakugo

" Is everyone in the Hero course like this? " While Bakugo was glaring at the guy... Midoriya and the others shook their heads

" Seeing things like this disillusions me... " They said as they scratched the back of their neck

" There are a lot of students in the ordinary, and other, courses because they couldn't get into the Hero course. " They said, " But the school has given us a chance. " he put his hand down

" Depending on the festival results, they'll consider transferring us to the Hero course. "
They're faces looked suprised

" The reverse is possible too. "

" Inspecting the enemy? " Now everyone in Class 1A looked at him, " As for me, even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'II pull the carpet from under your feet. I came to declare war. "

" He's bold too! " Uraraka, lida, and lastly Midoriya simultaneously exclaimed in their heads

They turned their heads to the angered yell, " I'm from Class B next door. I heard you fought with villains so I came to hear about it, but you're getting way ahead of
yourself! "

" It's another bold person! "

" If you hype yourself up too much, you'll embarrass yourself. " Bakugo began walking away

" Are you ignoring me? "

" Wait, Bakugo! What are you going to do? Because of you, we're amassing
hate! " Kirishima exclaimed, Bakugo looked towards them

" It doesn't matter. " he looked towards the crowd again, " As long as you get to the top, it doesn't matter. "

" You jerk!- " TetsuTetsu was about to yell some more but he felt someone gripping his shoulder

" TetsuTesu... you should really calm down. "

" Class Rep... " TetsuTesu muttered as the attention is now on...

Monoma and Kohaku looked at Shoto, " Come on, Sho. " Haku said as she and Monoma walked away with Shoto following behind them

Haku smiled at she watched Shoto training for the sports festival under the moonlight of the backyard

And when he finished, Shoto looked at Haku and he saw Yui looking at him in amazement while Haku looked at him with a awkward smile

Shoto sighed as he walked towards the two, Haku handed him a cloth to wipe his face with, after he looked at Yui, " Yui... why are you still awake? Aren't you supposed to be asleep? " Shoto spoke as his son looked at him awkwardly

" I couldn't sleep... I had a nightmare... " Yui trailed off, " Momma, Papa. Can I sleep with you two? "

Haku chuckled lightly as she patted her sons hair, " Sure, Don't worry, Momma and Papa will be beside you. "

Shortly after that they went back to their bedroom, Shoto walked out the bathroom, he looked at the bed seeing Yui asleep and Haku having a puzzled look

" What's wrong dear? " Shoto asked sitting beside Haku

" Well... " Haku trailed off, Haku pulled some of Yui's hair out his face which made Shoto's eyes widen, " The mark... is more visible.. " Haku spoke

" When he was just a born, it was there but it wasn't this visible... " Haku said worry lacing her voice

" We'll figure something out, " Shoto said hugging Haku, " I hope. "

( Author hasn't slept in 20 hours and is currently in a airport

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

( Author hasn't slept in 20 hours and is currently in a airport. )

July 24, 2023 | 4:06 a.m
July 25, 2023 | 3:03 p.m
( 1256 words )

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