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4 months later

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4 months later

Haku and Shoto sat on a tatami mat as the doctor announced the babies gender

" So... Kohaku-sama and Todoroki-sama. " The same doctor said as he looked at the young married couple, " your going to have two girls and one boy. " The doctor announced

The doctor looked at his clipboard, " Since you are 2 months away from your third trimester, I suggest that you eat food with more omega-3 fats and you should avoid eating some seafood. You can only eat seafood that is low on mercury. If you drink coffee, then try to limit your consumption to 200 milligrams. And to drink water regularly. " The doctor said as he got out a health plan from his bag and gave it to Shoto

" I'd advise you to follow this health plan and I wish you good luck. " The doctor said as he got his stuff and left

Haku Smiled as she looked at her belly and touched it with the happiest smile Shoto ever saw

Haku chuckled, " The babies kicked! " When he saw how happy Haku was, he couldn't help but smile, he hugged Haku from behind as they laughed together

2 months later

Haku is seen sitting on the engawa of the Ubuyashiki estate humming softly while touching her growing belly

When she suddenly felt sudden contractions and... her water breaking

" Nee-chan, " Haku heard Hinaki say, " Are you okay? " Haku gritted her teeth as she spoke

" M-My w-water b-broke.. " Haku stuttered out but Hinaki still understood

" Nee-chan I'II get you help. " Hinaki said as she went off to find someone, and after a solid 3 minutes she bumped into someone as she went to apologize but she noticed it was Shinobu and Uzui

" Hinaki-sama, What's the matter? " Shinobu asked, " You look stressed out. Are you okay- "

" Nee-chan's water broke. " Hinaki exclaimed, both Shinobu and Uzui knew what that meant as Uzui stepped up

Uzui leaned down to her height, " Where's Kohaku-sama? " Uzui. asked softly

Hinaki fidgeted as she pointed to the direction where Kohaku is

Uzui stood straight as he glanced at Shinobu, " Please inform oyakata-sama about this and prepare a room in the Ubuyashiki estate for Kohaku-sama's pregnancy. " Shinobu just nodded and left, as this was a serious matter, it's not a time to be joking around.

" Don't worry, Hinaki-sama, Kohaku-sama is in good hands. " Uzui said with a smile
as he disappeared and reappeared in a second carrying Haku carefully

" Hinaki... Uzui-san... "

" Don't worry, Kohaku-sama, I'II get you to Shinobu. " Uzui responded softly and disappeared to find Shinobu and when he found her, he saw that she had prepared everything. Even Kohaku's doctor is in the room

" Uzui-san, Place Kohaku-sama on the futon. " Shinobu ordered as Uzui complied and set Kohaku on the futon

" Please get out now. " the doctor said to Uzui as he kneeled down beside Kohaku

Uzui sighed as he walked out closing the door behind him and guarding it, he looked to his side and saw Giyuu also guarding the room and presumably Kohaku-sama's husband and her in-laws

And after two hours, they heard cries of the baby as Shinobu opened the door and with a smile Shinobu spoke

" Kohaku-sama gave birth to healthy girls and a healthy boy. " Shinobu announced as She motioned for Shoto and his siblings to come in, When Shoto came in he saw Haku smiling and crying while holding their babies

He walked closer to her and kneeled down, Haku looked up at Shoto and smiled

" What's their names? " Fuyumi asked as her eyes sparkled at her nephew and nieces

Haku looked at Shoto as he nodded, "  Reika, Nayumi, and Yui. " Shoto said as Haku gave him Tokito, both Natsuo and Fuyumi suddenly noticed that the names of the girls were their and their mothers names combined, ( Natsuo + Fuyumi = Nayumi, and Rei + Kanata = Reika )

Haku then sat straight, " Reika is the oldest while Yui is the youngest. " Haku muttered tiredly

Natsuo looked at the babies as his eyes sparkled, " They're so cute! " Natsuo whisper shouted, " Don't worry, Uncle Natsuo and Auntie Fuyumi will protect you from Grandpa Enji's wrath. " Natsuo whispered, they heard the door open and saw Haku's siblings

Shinobu's eyes softened, " We'll give you some alone time. " Shinobu said as she and the doctor along with the other Kakushi left and closed the door

Kiriya had stars in his eyes as he looked at his nephew and nieces, " Nee-chan, They're so cute! " Kiriya exclaimed with stars in his eyes

And Kuina pointed something out nobody noticed, " Wow! Nayumi has tuffs of white and red hair, Reika has tuffs of White hair and Yui has tuffs of Black hair with red highlights! " Kuina exclaimed stars in her eyes

Natsuo and Fuyumi sighed as they looked at the babies

" Never thought you would make mom an early grandmother. " Natsuo muttered which made Fuyumi and Haku laugh

The door was opened again by the doctor, " Sorry to interrupt, but I advise that Kohaku-sama to sleep. " The doctor said as he bowed and closed the door once more

Haku gave Fuyumi Reika and gave Natsuo Nayumi, Shoto watched as Haku's siblings scooted closer to Natsuo and Fuyumi to coo at their nieces

He looked back down at Yui and cried happy tears, Haku really gave him a gift on the  day of his birthday

He looked back down at Yui and cried happy tears, Haku really gave him a gift on the  day of his birthday

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June 2a, 2023 | 12:38 p.m
July 23, 2023 | 8:46 p.m
( 924 words )

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