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I can't do this anymore. I can't stand it. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault.

You looked at your wrist seeing what you've done. You were clean for 3 months. Were. You washed the blood away and put on a sweatshirt.

You went to your living room and put on TV. The first this that came on was I.T. crowd. It was the show you and Q would watch when he came over. Tears started Falling down your cheeks. It's been 2 months since he left and it still feels like yesterday.

He hasn't answered your texts or calls so you think he knows it's all your fault too. You're the reason he moved. His dad worked for your dad and he had to fire him. You hated your dad.

That's why you bought your own apartment so you weren't stuck with him.

You shut the tv off and went on a walk. You didn't notice till you got there that you walked to the abandoned hotel.

That's where you and Q met. You were both outcasts who wanted to adventure and explore. Now that he moved to California he'll have more to explore and discover.

Then your phone started to ring.

Call from Q


"Oh my god Nicole I need you to help me."

"You ignore me for months then all of a sudden ask for a favor?"

"I'm outside."


"Come outside."

You went downstairs and while exiting the elevator you saw Q.

"What's going on?!"

"Nicole. You need to leave."


"Nicole Lets go to your room and talk."

"Okay sure."

You went back to your apartment and he shut the door and blinds.

"Q. What's wrong?"

"My dads out to get you. He has a gun.. You need to leave. Here's a train ticket to the airport, your passport, plane ticket, and new apartment keys."


"Pack. Now."

You run to your room and pack all that you had. When you finished you had 2 suitcases and your backpack.

"Where am I going?"



"He'll never find you there. Your new name when you get there is Asia Parks."

"Parks? Why the perv teachers last name?"

"All I could think of and you will be going to this school."

He said handing you a packet of a school called 'Cleveland High'

"Here's your uniform."

You put it in your suit case and continued talking.

" how did you get all the stuff for me to leave?"

"My friend in California's dad works for the witness protection program. I told him what was going on and he helped instantly."


"Anytime and we have to leave now."

You went into his new car are drive to the airport.

When you got to your gate Q stops you and hands you a box.

"What's this?"

"Your new phone. I'll take your old one."


"Sorry. But no buts."

You had him you phone and he smashes in to the ground.


"It's okay."

"All passengers on the flight to Sydney ease aboard now first class"

"Okay what's your name?"

"Emily Parks?"

"Wrong. It's Asia."


"It's okay. Just practice on the plane. Your Phone is set with apps, music, and my contact if you need anything. Here is a new pair of head phones. Now get on your flight."

"Thanks Q but it's only first class."

"You are first class. Have fun. I'll miss you."

You hug him and start to cry until the lady says,

"Last call for first class."

"By Q!"

"By Asia!"

Witness Protectionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن