People Auction

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"This wasn't Zoey's fault" Chase tried to defend her

"Oh Chases" Zoey defended him

"Excuse me" Logan spoke up once again making me roll my eyes. Does this boy ever know when to shut up

"Logan Matthew Reese, shut up right now please" I pleaded with him and put my hand over his mouth

"If Zoey hadn't demanded a tempura roll and you hadn't tried to carry all that stuff at once. We'd still have a sushi bar at PCA" Logan continued his argument, after he licked my hand and I pulled away in disgust

"Okay that is the dumbest-" Lola began to argue with Logan making me roll my eyes and put my head down on the table on top of my crossed arms

"No it's not"
"It was our fault" Chase and Zoey finally accepted the fact that they definitely were the cause of Sushi Rox being burnt down

"This is just a freak accident" Michael said, once again trying to reassure his friends

"Like Logan's birth" Lola commented, I picked my head up from my hands and looked at her in annoyance

"Alright, can we stop being assholes to each other" I said, speaking up for the first time in a while, everyone just stared at me after my outburst

"Who cares who started the fire, who cares that we don't have a sushi bar. Can we stop arguing with each other and saying our births are accidents" I looked at Lola after saying that last part "And can we make sure Kazu is okay? He lost his restaurant and his insurance isn't gonna fix it, so we need to figure out a way to help him. Because I'm just gonna say it, it is our fault that the place burned down" I finished my rant, as everyone nodded their heads in agreement. We were about to continue talking before coach came up and yelled at us about how he is blaming us for the fire.

It was later that day and the group was all sitting in the lounge, Nicole had just informed us that Kazu was heading back to his hometown because he needed to start his new life

"Why doesn't he just fix the place" Logan asked confused

"Cause it's like 10,000 bucks in damage" Chase told him, thinking it would get him to understand. It did not.

"So?"Logan asked confused once again, this man worries me with how little common sense he has

"Not everyone's daddy is a tv producer" Lola spoke up, trying to argue with Logan once again

"Tv and movies" Logan corrected, everyone rolling their eyes in response

"Not the time Logs" I patted his arm trying to get him to quiet down

"Well we have to do something" Zoey muttered sadly, still feeling bad for what she caused

"Yeah anybody got 10 grand on them" everyone looked down at their laps in sadness

"I know how we can raise $10,000" Quinn's voice startled us as she entered the room. We all gave her our full attention, waiting for her to continue

"So there's lots of people out there who want to adopt babies, right?" She looked at us waiting for our answer

"Yeah.." Zoey nervously answered. I'm not liking where this plan is headed

"So we find some babies, and sneak them away from their mothers, just long enough to clone them" Quinn finished, excitement entering her voice as she explained her plan. We all looked between each other nervously, she can't be for real

"Stay with me" Quinn kept talking "so we clone the babies, return the originals to their parents and then sell the clone babies for like a thousand bucks a piece " She looked at us with curiosity in her eyes, wondering what we thought about her plan

You're My Always//Logan ReeseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora