sorting hat

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As we pull into the Hogwarts station, I get off with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. I see Hagrid waving over all the first year students with a lamp in his hand.

"Hello Harry and (Y/n)."

"Hey Hagrid," Harry and I say at the same time as all the first years start to line up behind us. All the students seem shocked by how tall Hagrid is but since we know him it's not a big deal. Hagrid leads us over to the boats that would lead all of us to the school building. I get in a boat with Ron, Harry, Hermione. The two of them are really becoming Harry and I's close friends. As we are rowing, we float towards a huge castle. I gasp and smile at the sight of the castle in the moonlight.

"Its beautiful," I say to Hermione who is sat next to me.

Slowly the boats make it to the huge castle and everyone starts to climb out then run inside. I stand with Harry as we walk up and talk about what we should expect with this school and how a lot of people will be staring at the two of us. As we talk we walk up a bunch of stairs which leads to a set of double doors. We all stop at a woman wearing a green velvet cloak and a hat.

"Welcome to Hogwarts! Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points; any rule-breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year the house will the most points will win the house cup."

"Trevor," a boy behind me yells out then quickly picks up his toad which is in front of the woman, "sorry."

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily," 

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. The potter twins have come to Hogwarts," people look over and start to whisper our names while the boy who started this keeping talking, "This is Crabbe and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." 

The boy stands in front of Harry and I while Ron giggles a little. I crack a small smile then nudge him with my shoulder, "you think my names funny, do you? No need to ask for yours. Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley."

I look at Draco disgusted as he makes fun of Ron, "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than other, Potters. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, I can help you there," Draco sticks out his hand and Harry and I look at each other.

"I think we can tell the wrong sort for ourselves, thanks," I say and keep my hands by my sides, not losing eye contact with Malfoy. The woman comes back and taps Malfoy on the shoulder saying that they are ready for us to come in. I stand with Ron and start to walk into the dining area. It's even prettier than the outside. All of the first years clump up in front of a stool with a hat on top of it. The professor says a few words, basically saying the dark forest is forbidden and so is the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side.

"Now when I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses."

First, she starts off with Hermione who gets sorted into Gryffindor house. Well now I hope I get Gryffindor; I want to be with someone I know at least. Malfoy gets called up, but before she can place the hat on his head, he gets Slytherin.

"There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin," Ron whispers and I nod while looking at him.

As a girl gets called up, I look over at a teacher who is staring at Harry and me. As we look over, we both flinch and go to grab our scars. 

"What is it," Ron whispers to us and I shrug.

"Nothing, we are fine," Harry whispers as Ron gets called up and gets into Gryffindor.

"(Y/n) Potter."

I look at my brother and he shoves me up, I sigh and make my way to sit in the chair. I close my eyes as it starts to talk.

"Difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage I see, possibly a Gryffindor and a thirst to prove yourself so maybe a Slytherin," my heart stops for a moment as I pray that I wont get Slytherin, "where to put you? Gryffindor will take you great ways while Slytherin will lead you on your path to greatness."

Everyone seems to be sitting on the edge of their seat as the hat continues.

"I see... I see... Better be.... Slytherin!"

I gasp and look at my brother as the room goes completely silent. Even the Slytherin students are shocked. I gulp and slowly stand up to walk over to the Slytherin table. I sit with a girl with a black bowl cut as other people get sorted. This can't be right; I can't be a Slytherin.

"Harry Potter!"

I look over as my brother goes to sit in the chair.

"Oh! Almost the same as the last one. A lot of courage... Where to put you? Everything is all here in your head. Better be... Gryffindor!"

I cover my mouth as I watch Gryffindor cheer for my brother. I am all alone here. Dumbledore stands up and clears his throat.

"Let the feast, begin," he waves his hand as a bunch of food shows up on the tables. 

"My name is Parkinson, Pansy Parkinson. You seem like a sweet girl, want to be friends," she says to me and I look over at her with a small smile, maybe I won't be alone.

"Of course."

I start to eat while talking to Pansy about school and the classes we will have to take during the year. This might not be so bad.

As dinner finishes all the houses start to make their way to their dorms. The head boy and girl of Slytherin stands up and shows us all where we are. We have to walk all the way to the dungeon just to get to sleep every night. 

"Boys on the left, girls on the right. Do not annoy the squid in the common room, and do not leave here past curfew. Lastly, we do not share our password to our dormitory to any other house. The password is, Dragons Blood. Off to bed," the head boy leads the way for the boys and the girl does the same for the girls. 

Luckily, I am in a room with Pansy and a girl named Makayla. One by one the three of us get dressed and lay in our beds. Our rooms have dark green sheets, wooden beds, a bookshelf, and a window which just shows us into the water. It is actually really pretty. I hope mum and dad are proud of me.

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