Yoohyeon sighed, her face pressed against the cool glass. She traced a raindrop with her finger as it slid down the window pane, feeling the older girl lie down beside her. Minji's fingertips brushed against her skin, and Yoohyeon felt every single hair on her body stand up.

They were close, like they always have been. So why was it different now? Why did the slightest bit of contact send an unexplainable thrill through her body, cause her heart to race like there's no tomorrow?

Yoohyeon had kissed Minji once before. It was at some college frat party, at which by the end of the day they were both too drunk to even function properly. Minji had pulled her onto the dance floor, and to this day Yoohyeon still wondered what had possessed her at that moment to kiss her best friend on the lips. It was just a peck, and Minji was probably too hammered to notice, but Yoohyeon had thought about it for far too long afterwards. She had laughed it off, blaming it on the alcohol, and vowed to never speak of that day again.

She imagined going out with Minji. She would take her to a nice restaurant nearby, maybe even surprise her with some flowers. Lilies, perhaps, they were her favorite - Minji had told her once, and she had remembered it ever since. She thought about her sweet eye smile, her contagious laugh, the little dance she does whenever she's excited. She pictured going to the beach with her, baking with her, lying in bed with her, dating her-

Shit. Yoohyeon froze.

Her odd behavior didn't go unnoticed by Minji. 'What's wrong?' She asked, concerned.

Yoohyeon turned to look at her best friend, who was stretched out like a contented cat on the bed. She gulped. 'Just... thinking.'

'About what?' Minji sat up.

You. 'The rain,' she lied, sucking in a sharp breath as the older girl moved closer. Minji's breath hit her lips, and suddenly Yoohyeon felt extremely self-conscious. 'Um...'

Minji patted her hand gently, taking it in her own as she looked up at her with a reassuring smile. 'You know you can tell me anything,' she said softly.

Yoohyeon nodded, glancing down at their intertwined hands. What was holding her back? They were best friends after all, and best friends tell each other everything - even though her feelings for Minji may have gone way beyond friendship.

'I like you,' she blurted out. Minji's eyes widened, pulling away instantly as if she'd been burnt. 'What?'

'No,' Yoohyeon swallowed nervously, watching Minji's face distort into confusion. 'I think I'm in love with you.'

She closed her eyes and waited for a harsh rejection, perhaps even a slap across the face, but none of that came.

Instead, Minji's hands cupped her cheeks as she willed the younger girl to look her in the eye. 'You love me?' She asked, her gaze oozing with care, comfort and... hope?

'It doesn't matter,' Yoohyeon mumbled, looking down at her hands in her lap. 'Whatever, it's stupid. I just wanted to let you know-'

'Yoohyeon,' Minji cut her off. 'You're going to have to be one hundred percent honest with me, because I really don't want to be misinterpreting this.'

Yoohyeon groaned inwardly. 'Yeah,' she finally admitted, crushed. 'Yeah, I do. But I don't see-'

Minji silenced her with a kiss. It was brief, but still enough to make her heart skip several beats. Yoohyeon, having not expected the kiss, was stiff with surprise, and was still frozen in shock when Minji pulled away after a moment. 'Now, what were you saying?'

'T-that I don't see why you're asking me this because you obviously only see me as a friend,'

Minji tried not to laugh. 'Yoohyeon, do you really think I only see you as a friend?'

'Well I don't know-'

'Kim Yoohyeon, I just kissed you.'

The younger girl blushed furiously. 'Right,' she let out a shaky breath, her eyes flitting anxiously across Minji's face. Minji grabbed her arms, holding her in place.

'Yooh,' her voice was barely above a whisper. 'Can I do it again?'

'Please,' Yoohyeon responded, and Minji wasted no time smashing their lips together. Yoohyeon's hands automatically glided to her shoulders, urging the older girl with gentle touches as she leaned into the kiss greedily. Minji grabbed a fistful of Yoohyeon's shirt, pushing the fabric aside to get at her bare skin underneath. She brought her other hand up to Yoohyeon's hair and kissed her again, this time with greater force and much increased urgency.

A soft gasp escaped Yoohyeon's throat as Minji slid one knee between her legs, her other hand reaching out to caress her thigh. 'Fuck, Minji,' Yoohyeon whimpered into the kiss. 'You're going to kill me, you know.'

'I know,' Minji replied, her fingers now beginning to become intertwined with Yoohyeon's hair. Breathless, she detached herself from the younger girl. 'And I think it's too early for you to die.'

Yoohyeon looked at her fondly. 'Just when I thought I couldn't possibly fall for you any harder,' she whispered. 'To think that I sat for hours in the rain just so you would notice me.'

Minji gasped. 'Yooh, what the fuck?'

'It was worth it though...'

'Unbelievable,' Minji muttered, shaking her head. 'You really are one of a kind.'

Yoohyeon grinned sheepishly. 'I love you, Kim Minji.'

Minji smiled, placing a soft kiss on the top of Yoohyeon's head. 'I love you too, Kim Yoohyeon.'

final word count: 1,535

thanks for reading! <3

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