⇢ 02. home is where the heart is

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02. ❛ home is where the heart is.

ONCE CHARLES HAD TURNED seventeen, he dropped out of high school to further extend his career in motorsport, he did finish his education while on the road though. He and Sofia remained a couple even with the struggles of their long-distance relationship.

Their bond was so strong that no one would have ever thought their future would end up the way it eventually would. Whenever Sofia had her free time away from fashion school, she would go to Charles' races, and whenever he got a break, he would show up in Monaco to spend time with her.

Now, at nineteen, they were in their prime, both carving their paths to their future life. The setting was perfect. The gentle hum of the television filled the cozy living room as a rerun of a Formula One race played out on the screen. Charles Leclerc sat cuddled up on the couch with his girlfriend. They were wrapped in a soft blanket, the glow of the TV casting a warm light over their faces.

As the race intensified, Charles found his heart racing for another reason. He stole glances at Sofia, marveling at her beauty and how her eyes lit up with excitement as the cars sped around the track.

Feeling a mix of nervousness and affection, Charles shifted slightly, positioning himself to face Sofia. She looked at him curiously, wondering why he had changed his position during the thrilling race. Unbeknownst to her, Charles' heart was pounding in his chest as he searched for the right words.

"Sofia," he began softly, "You know you mean the world to me, right?"

Sofia smiled, nodding, and she paused the race before she sat up and straddled him, her arms going around his neck as she played with the ends of his soft hair.

There was when she came into his life and during. He didn't want to have an after. He didn't want to lose her. It's her. Nobody else makes sense to him.

Charles looked up at her with a dimpled smile and tucked a stray piece of blonde hair behind her ear, "I want to spend my entire future with you because you are my future. I'll love you either way, on your good days and bad. There's nothing you could say or do to make me love you less. You have a place in my heart nobody else could even come close to."

Sofia's eyes widened in surprise, and her heart skipped a beat. She reached out to gently caress Charles' cheek, her affection for him mirrored in her gaze. "Charles, I—" she began, but he gently placed a finger on her lips, shaking his head.

"Attendez, laissez-moi finir, (Wait, let me finish,)" he whispered tenderly.

"I may never find words beautiful enough to describe all that you mean to me, but I will spend the rest of my life searching for them if you'd let me. And I will choose you every time, over and over, without pause, without doubt. In a heartbeat, I'll keep choosing you because it's you, and no one else makes sense. Alors, tu veux te marier? (So, do you want to get married?)"

Sofia couldn't hide her big smile and blush, but she did hum, pretending to think, "Peut être. Peut être pas. (Maybe. Maybe not.)"

Charles furrowed his eyebrows behind his glasses with irritation, not liking that she was toying with him. "'Peut être'?" He repeated her words.

"Charles," Sofia started, her voice soft and gentle, "I love you, and you know that, but this is a huge decision. We're still so young and have our whole lives ahead of us."

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