8| Welcoming Kisses

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"They're all blood-traitors, the lot of them." Draco explained, his eyes a cold gray as he informed Casper. "Famous for their 'bravery'" His fingers went in the air as he used quotations, his eyes rolling in the process. "But we all know they're just a group of mud-bloods and muggle-lovers.  That's probably why the only gold they own are their uniforms." The group around him erupted in snickers, with the only exception being Casper. He wasn't well-informed on the social politics that Hogwarts had, but he had an idea that there were tiers there. And it seemed to be marked by blood-status. Truthfully, he didn't consider blood status to be all that important, but it seemed that they were obsessed with it. His parents too- but they never focused solely on blood status, perhaps a combination of their lineage and their upbringing, but never solely judging just off of their parents. 

But now... He would have to adapt. Change. Morph into the blood-obsessed student that were his peers. Otherwise, he'd probably be exiled or shunned from his housemates. 

As he ate, and as Draco explained more of the dynamics between the houses, his eyes stayed trained on his sister, who was laughing and chatting along with the people sat around her.


Schedules were passed out and dorms were assigned. Seraphina followed her prefect to her assigned dorm, where she was surprised to see all of her luggage already delivered. Once she stepped inside, she saw the familiar faces of Angelina, Natalie, and two other girls she hadn't met yet. Angelina noticed her standing in the doorway and smiled. "Seraphina! I didn't know you were joining our dormitory." She ushered the girl in, and pointed to the empty bed. "That's yours- we didn't know who they expanded the dormitory for." 

Natalie offered her another smile before going back to unpacking her luggage, similarly to the other two girls who hadn't introduced themselves yet, with one searching under their bed and one with their nose stuck in a book. Angelina decided to get the initiative and helped Seraphina with her bags. "I'll unzip, you organize?" She smiled as she started without permission, but 

Seraphina nodded regardless. "Thank you Angelina." Seraphina said, and Angelina just waved it off. "Call me Angie." She winked and turned to the other girls. "And that's Natalie, you met her already, and then Liv's the one with the reddish hair-" She pointed to a girl with empty potion bottles scattered on her bed, who just looked up, pushed up her black glasses, and gave a polite smile before returning to the book she was cradling in her lap. "Then we have Gaby, who's probably looking for her hamster she smuggled in-" 

The girl, Gaby, looked up from searching under her bed and rolled her eyes. "It was here just a moment ago!" She tried to explain, her voice with a thick accent that Seraphina couldn't pinpoint, but none of the girls believed her. She looked under her bed one last time then at Seraphina and smiled. "Nice to meet you." She smiled and went back to her bed and starting tearing at the sheets. 

Angelina looked back at Seraphina and gave her a comforting smile. "We're all just unpacking right now, but we're gonna play a few games later, just as a little welcome back." She winked at Seraphina before excitedly exclaiming, "You just have to come." 

She looked back to the Liv and winked. "You brought 'em right?" 

A smile bloomed on Liv's face as she nodded. "Always do." 

Angelina smiled even wider and walked over to her bed, grabbing her bag and dumping it all over the bed. "Sophisticated as ever, Angie." Natalie deadpanned, picking at her nail atop her made bed. "No way you're done." Angelina responded, not caring to look back. "Look for yourself. I'm gonna go see if Lee and the twins are gonna come." She wiggled her eyebrows to Angelina, who rolled her eyes with a playful smile. 

| Obsessed with you... | Fred Weasleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें