Dali's pretentious cousin.

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Meet Diwata, one of Dali's many cousins. She may look like a fun time, but don't let her fool you. She is anything but pleasant.  Just ask Dali herself. Despite being rather close in age (they're a year apart), Diwata treats her cousin as less than with every opportunity that presents herself. She is obsessed with making Dalisaya appear foolish. Ignorant even. Many speculate that she is envious of Dali's beauty and grace, not to mention her heart of gold.

She has done numerous horrible things to her cousin. Like invite her to high class Filipino only parties. Knowing damn well, she wasn't high class, only middle-upper class. She is also considered to be quite racist, calling her a fraud for only being half Filipino. And will constantly shame her over it, despite being family. And, will gossip behind her back to her enterouge all the time.

So yeah, this woman is not very kind. And is the exact opposite of who her cousin is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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