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Jeongin and hyunjin have been enemies since middle school and they are currently in high school

Jeongin comes out of the class to be greeted by his best friends since elementary. Which are Minho,changbin,chan. hi jeongin! They all says. Hi hyungs! Jeongin says back. Can we go eat now? Changbin whines.if I say yes will you stop whining you big baby.chan reply's with. Changbin nods his head. Okay let's go. They all walk to the cafeteria. Bro all of my teachers are so rude it's like they're all out to get me like I'm such a smart student.changbin says. Sure keep telling yourself that. Minho says. Ugh you're so rude to me and I didn't do anything! Shut up you fucking rat. Jeongin says. Ugh you guys are so rude to me.changbin says while sitting down. You wanna know who is actually rude? Fucking hyunjin.jeongin says. He's not the only one that's rude Felix,han,seungmin.they're all bitches.minho says.I agree with minho.chan and changbin say. Yeah but hyunjin is the worst out of all of them! Yeah your right. They all say. Jeongin,chan,Minho sit down and when they start eating hyunjin,han,Felix, seungmin come in and everybody starts fanboying/fangirling over them. Great just what I fucking needed.said Jeongin. They all laugh at Jeongin's words. Bro Jeongin chill out bro.chan says. Jeongin rolls his eyes as they come over to they're table. They all glare at them except for chan.what do you want? Jeongin says. Oh nothing much sweetheart. Jeongin gags. I'm not

your sweetheart and never will be.jeongin says. Making hyunjin chuckle. You will be soon~ hyunjin says and leaves with his friends.jeongin gags again. They're so fucking werid. Changbin says. And they all agree expect for chan.

(294 words)

I hoped you enjoyed the first part
Bye my favorite hoe's <3

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