Who am I Fucking kidding? It's just us five who has the previledge of preserving our DNA. I clearly remember, we all agreeing for the suitable dragon females to be bred, when my father asked 2 years back. I wish, we would have waited. Waited for our mate few more years. But I was desperate for children. My brothers no different. "What I don't understand is, how someone could impregnate a female, without our consent. I mean, even though father choosed them and we agreed to breed them, was it not necessary to make sure, we know when this process is about to happen or atleast to make sure, if we already have a mate or not?" Asked Brenton, eyes narrowed.

"Something is not right. I'm damn sure, father had not given any consent on this matter, or we would have known about it. We signed the consented form for preserving the semen and finding the right female. Not impregnating them." I said, making them all nod in agreement. "So, what now? You think, someone is behind all this? Do you trust this doctor? I think, he might have something to do with this 'misplacing'? Asked Kaiden sarcastically. "I don't know brother. The only think, I'm worried about right now is Tiara. What if she becomes insecure like before? What if she thinks, we hid this news from her, intentionally? What if she thinks, we're willing participants. How are we going to convince her, that we had no fucking clue about this mess that happened? What if She decides to leave us all, for good this time?"

Present time...

Like I said, we're royally screwed. If the children are carrying our DNA, no matter who tried to trap us or it was actually an accident to begin with, we have to bring the kids home...and most probably their mothers. Shit! How did we fight our way out of all this? Heavens, please guide us. I can't take the risk of loosing my mate, in this process of finding out the truth. I can't think of any possible plan to keep my mate glued to me anymore.

And now, she's so mad at us that, she left our sleeping asses behind, just to avoid us? If the purpose of hiding the reason has pushed her away from us like this, just imagine when she finds out the real reason. God please just kill me, before I have to face her with the news. The way she avoided by touch then, it pained me to no limit. So, we have all decided to tell her, what the fuck of shit were all are messing with right now, before she finds out on her own. "Excuse me?" I called the maid, who delivered the Tea, along with the news of our mate leaving for the town tour. "By any chance, was there any call for us, that your king received, while we were sleeping? " I asked.

"Yes actually. Someone named Dr.Brian called and Her highness received it, as you were all resting my lord." Oh fuck!! "Umm..ok. You may go now." I dismissed her immediately and turned to my wide eyes brothers, with tea cups in their hands. Kenneth's cup slipped and the tea spilled. I leaned on the closed door and we all looked at each other dumbstruck. "We're fucked. So fucked. She definitely knows now. That's it. We're so done. She's never going to believe us anymore. Oh man." Said, Kaiden, holding his head with both hands.

"We still need to talk to her, once she returns." I said, pulling my phone out. "Who you're calling now? " Asked Brenton. "The facility" I answered, before dialing their number. Hello! Viserion Facility. Jenny speaking. How can I help you?" I heard the receptionist's voice. "I'm trying to reach Dr. Keller. This is Lord Drake." I said, making her pause. Lord Drake as in LORD Drake?" She asked like a fan. If I was in a different mood, I would have chuckled. "Yes that would be me. Can you pass the call to him, please." I asked politely. I'm really sorry your highness, you missed him by an hour. He left for his long vaccation today." What the fuck?!

"Did he leave any message behind for his callers?" I asked, barely holding my rage. Yes my lord. He left a number to contact him, in case of emergency. Let me give that to you." She said, providing me with the number. After disconnecting the call, I slumped down on the chair. "What is it Drake? Where is he?" Asked Brenton. I looked up at all of them defetedly. "In our fortress." I said, waiting for their reaction that never came, now that they got my unconvayed message. "Now what?" He asked. I sighed. "Now we go back and face the situation, cutting the tour short. I'm sure, everyone in the fortress is now aware of the arrival of the children and their connection to us. We can no longer avoid it." I said standing up.

"And Tiara?" Asked Kenneth, making me halt on my tracks. "We tell her the truth and let her decide our fate." Is all I said, walking inside the closet to pack my stuff back. We have to wait till Jonathan and Tiara returns and then we can go back together. My phone rang, indicating an incoming call. Simon. I sighed, walking out of the closet. "Yeah?" Is all I could ask. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now. "What the fuck Drake? Who's children are these? And those women, they are acting like, your mates. And that fucking doctors says, he has direct orders from the queen to keep these women and children safe? Im this close to throwing them in the dungeon. Now spell out this bull shit to me." He said.

"What is there to explain anymore?" I said and then briefed him. "So, now that Tiara has approved their stay and ensuring their protection, you don't want to go against your queen. Go to my father. Ask him what to do with them all, untill we are back. I'll figure something out meanwhile." I said tiredly. "This is so fucked up. Also...I don't know, if this the right time to say this, but Me and Alison are expacting. She's Carring Drake. She's pregnant." That made me smile. "Damn. I'm going to be an uncle? Wait till Tiara hears.." My words got stuck in my throat, when I thought of our current situation. "I'm sorry man. This is really the worst time of your life. I don't know what else to say." He's right. "I'll call you back." Was all I said, meeting my brothers gazes.

"Alison is pregnant." I said, with a small smile. They mimicked mine. "Good for them." Said Kaiden, looking down at the floor. "The night I mated with Tiara,..." said Kenneth next. "...I told her how desperate I was to become a father. She laughed it out, but never judged me. Now? She would. She would think, I just needed her to breed children for me. How do I make her believe, that I never wanted this kid. I wanted her, my mate to carry my kids. No one else." That thought crossed my mind too. "We'll. She has to believe us. We done nothing wrong. I'm not letting her push us away anymore. Whatever this is, it's not going to come in between me and my mate. And whoever that has plotted behind our back, will pay for it." Said Brenton, looking ready to kill.

"Absolutely. This situation was planned and kept from us for a reason. Revenge. That's what it is all about. Someone is trying to trap us all. And the only person, who even have a slightest clue of who it might be, is back in the fortress." Said Blaze, making us all think hard. "Fuck! I never thought, I would hate being a father so much." Scoffed Kaiden. "The feelings are mutual, brother." I said, cursing the moment, when I agreed to preserve my semen. Just then we heard the connecting room door, opening and closing. We all exchanged looks. Tiara is back. God please help us this once. I would never ask for anything else in future, I swear. Taking a deep breath, preying the almighty and gathering all the courage we had, me and my brothers went closer to the door that connects our rooms and knocked.

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