everything has changed

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(some of this is straight from the book and is not my writing!!!! I just wanted to write bellys pov in between :)

song playing: 'everything has changed' by taylor swift

Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time

The drive back from the beach we had just had our wedding at didn't feel real, it was just Conrad an I, out hands intertwined resting on the center console, nothing but us and the clothes we had on, my wedding dress and his suit, I didn't want this to end, I wanted every drive home to be like this, but I wasn't worried, because it was Conrad, he would make sure it was like this, I know it will always feel like this.

And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind

We pulled into the driveway at the summer house, we looked at each other, smiled, he rubbed his thumb over my hand, picked it up and kissed it, he was looking at me the whole time, he still gives me butterflies, we didn't say anything else, we both looked out our windows, it was raining, we let go of each other and ran inside, we both knew where we wanted to go, we ran down the pathway to the beach, getting soaked.

I just wanna know you better
Know you better, know you better now

We stopped running, and looked out to the beach we had so many memories of, now, we would make even more.

I just wanna know you, know you, know you 

I hitched up my skirt and said to him "Ready?" he looked at me then started to roll up his pant lets, once he was satisfied with the length, he grabbed my hand and said "Ready" 

All I know is we said hello
Your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed

We run toward the water, tripping in the sand, screaming and laughing like little kids.

All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed

As we are about to reach the water, he picks me up, like he's carrying me across a threshold, I let out a little scream, "If you even try belly flop me right now your going down with me" I warn him, my arms are tight around his neck, he is smiling, wide, "I go wherever you go" I smile wide back, but before I can say anything he launches us into the water. 

All I know is we said hello
So dust off your highest hopes

We are both floating in the water, sea water and rain water mixed together, laughing, smiling, we stand up, "You know all my summers are yours now" he said to me, latching onto his wet tux, he smiled and I let out a small laugh "They always were" I said, Maybe there were a couple were I shared them with other people but deep down, they always belonged to him.

All I know is pouring rain
And everything has changed

He kisses me, when he pulls back I say "My summers were always yours too you know, they always will be" he was looking at me so deeply I swear I can feel him in my brain, "Lucky me" he said, I have never felt this with anyone else, not even Jeremiah, no one will ever make me feel this way, he is my favorite feeling, he is my forever and always.

All I know is a new found grace
All my days, I'll know your face

This is it, this is our start, this is the moment it becomes real, we are married, we are infinite, me and Conrad, the first boy I ever slow danced with, ever cried over, ever loved, it's him and I, and we are just getting started.

All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed.

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