Chapter 4 Somewhere That Feels Right

En başından başla

Shisuke: you mean Shadows

???: that's right 

Aruto: how did you know those

???: I already know that from the news and also in the rumors oh one moment that shadow you fought isn't the  only one

Aruto: what

???: there are many shadows in different size changes and types

Aruto: that would be a problem

Mineta: yeah so that Pawn Shadow isn't the only 

???: there is a way had you heard of the school called Yuigaoka Girls' High School

Aruto: nope

Shisuke: not really 

???: oh well anyways it's an all-girls high school there is a second-year student that can help you she is located in the IT Lab room on 2nd Floor

Mineta: huh oh yeah Yuigaoka

???: here's the photo 

as the stalker gave the photo 

Mineta: I really know this place

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Mineta: I really know this place

Aruto: you did

Mineta: well a bit

???: anyways I must leave well good luck with your search

as the stalker Left

the team decide to go home since its already late

June 14, 2017

During Classes Afternoon

Mr. Cain: Ok class tell me what is the Japanese Translation of Cheese 

as Mineta raised her Hand

Mr. Cain: yes Mineta

as she stand up and goes to the board she wrote  チーズ

Mr. Cain: that's correct anyways we have no much time left so ill dismiss you early speaking of this the Weather is not fine huh

as the class ends 

After School

Aruto came home early

Aruto: I'm home 

Aira: welcome back big bro

Ms Akanoma: oh Son welcome home I have good news well talk about it at dinner

Aruto: right

as they ate their dinner his mom tells about her cousin

Ms Akanoma: Aruto, Aira good news your Cousin is coming in July 13 

Aruto: no wonder

Ms Akanoma: well what do you think

Aruto: huh that will be fine 

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