Chapter Four

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Natasha s POV — Present time

"Tell me exactly what the fuck are we doing here?" It was the tenth time she'd asked me that question since twenty minutes ago.

I sighed, "Can you stop cursing for once?"

She rolled her eyes at my remark and scoffed. I wasn't used to this — to her being so harsh and full of shit words, she was never like this, she never complained, before, so what changed?

"I'm getting out," she stated, about to open the car door but I stopped her and pressed the lock button on my side.

"You can't go out yet," I said, making her look at me confused.

"Why?" she asked, starting at the side of my face.

"You see the police car one block away?" I nodded in the direction was talking and she followed my eyesight.

"Yeah..." she trailed off.

"We can't let them see you, they probably know that you're a criminal," I explained.

"Rude," she scoffed, sitting back on the chair, which made me look at her properly this time. She met my eyes and I arched an eyebrow. "I know I'm a criminal, I know that perfectly well, you didn't have to shove it in my face." Another eye roll.

I smirked at her, still amused by her 'never vanishing' anger issues, she may have changed but I guess not all of it. The thing is, even the smallest word that you'd mistakenly say, she'd get irritated immediately, making everything into a fight as if it's all about her.

"Be thankful to the creator of this whole fucking world that I can still tolerate your presence," she spat, looking away after.

"Yeah, alright, you haven't killed me yet because you need me," I bite back.

She was quick to bring her attention back to me as her brows knitted together. "I don't need you, you aren't my prince in shining armor, you dragged me here with you, I didn't want to come here."

"If you didn't want to come here with me why didn't you stop me?" I reasoned, "You could easily get out of the car just like that yet you didn't do it."

She fell into silence after that, only staring at me dead in the eye with her jaw clenched. She was on the verge of yelling now, she's just containing it in because she knew that if she did another sound then she'd be in trouble again. But if it'd happen, she'll escape them, it would be easy enough for her to do, but she was also exhausted, I could tell it by just looking at her figure, she haven't had any proper sleep for two days or so. Her eyes were bloodshot, with dark circles under them as her eyelids would so ever slightly flutter close for more than a second.

"Shit," she hissed under her breath, pulling me away from my trance. She was looking past me, outside my side of the window, so I slowly turned around to look at it myself. "Shit," I also mumbled.

Pulling down the window of my car, I plastered a fake smile at the police officer.
"Hi, is there a problem?" I played nicely.

"No, miss, we're just making sure if you... and your companion is all right," he replied with a German accent, though he was suspicious when he saw I said 'companion' which was acting weird.

Y/N had both of her palms in her face, strands of hair falling upfront, and I furrowed my eyebrows, what was she doing? She suddenly peeked through the side of her hand, with the look that says 'go on with it'.
"She's..." I trailed off looking back at the officer. "my sister, her boyfriend dump her just about thirty minutes ago and..." Taking in a deep breath for effects, "They've been together for three years..." Batting my eyelashes at him, he smiled in sympathy.

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