I ~ Betrothed

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This eve marks the commencement of this season's first ball where I shall make my presentation to the Queen. The last occasion was spoiled, as my name remained unspoken, interrupted by some ill fate.

"Fret not, dear sister. All shall be well," Henry reassures me. "I am to see the Queen. It is natural that I feel nervous," I reply as we gracefully walk into the grand ballroom. Henry catches sight of Queen Charlotte. "Take a deep breath and smile."

"Miss Euphemia Dayton, accompanied by lord Dayton," proclaims one of the Queen's attendants as we approach. I curtsy, and my brother bows. Queen Charlotte rises casting her gaze upon me. "Delightful."

I cannot resist the urge to smile, and we withdraw gracefully. "See, Effie, I assured you there was no need to fret," Henry beams. We halt upon the approach of a young gentleman. "Might I have the honour of this dance?" he inquires, and I turn to my brother, who merely nods in consent.

After the dance, I seek out my brother, and we hear the Queen commence her proclamation.

"I extend my gratitude to all present tonight. Allow me to present to you this season's diamond. Miss Euphemia Dayton!" Queen Charlotte announces, and I slightly freeze, but Henry snaps me out of it. I smile as the Queen's man leads me to her, and I curtsy once again.

"Viscount Bridgerton," she acknowledges, and I turn around. There stands a man, who I must admit is very handsome. "Have you yet met Miss Dayton?" She inquires of the gentleman.

"Thank you for the introduction, your Majesty. I would also hope for the pleasure of a dance," replies the Viscount, extending his hand. I accept with grace and elegance as he escorts me to the dance floor.

"Forgive me if I am too forward, but what are your thoughts on children?" The Viscount inquires whilst we dance. "I do desire them, my lord. After all, family is very dear to me. However many I have, I will feel most fortunate," I reply. "Do you play any musical instruments?"

"Indeed, a few. My mother cherished music. Therefore she made sure I could play. Although I appreciate it, my passion lies in reading, for it expands one's intellect."

"And what leads you to seek a husband?" The viscount questions. "My parents told me I am to find a husband once I turn nine and ten. Thus, I am here to fulfil my duty," I answer truthfully. "How very admirable. Is your father present? I shall like to speak to him." 

"My mother and father passed many years ago. My brother now holds the title of Lord Dayton." "My sympathies for your loss, Miss Euphemia. I too lost my father," he replies as the tune concludes. "I shall look forward to our next meeting," Lord Bridgerton announces with a bow, and we part ways.

Once they notice I am free, other gentlemen request the pleasure of a dance. During my fourth of the night, I observe my brother engaged in conversation with the Viscount himself.


Whilst in the midst of engaging in conversation with one of the callers, we are interrupted by the abrupt entry of my brother. "If you all would be so kind as to leave, I would be most grateful," he requests, and with reluctance, the assembled men take their leave.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion, dear brother?" I inquire. To which he responds with unrestrained delight, "There shall be no further need for callers, my sister, for I have already secured an arrangement with none other than the Viscount himself. A proposal shall soon be forthcoming!"

Startled by this unforeseen development, I rise from my seat, confused. "What? So soon? I have barely had the opportunity to acquaint myself with him!" I protest. "Fret not, Effie. I have made inquiries. He is a gentleman, he does not have any debts, and he values family. Believe me, the options could be far less desirable."

Though I understand the societal duty that compels me to marry, my enthusiasm for the prospect remains less than genuine.

"I suppose there is truth in your words. I am, after all, bound by duty in this matter," I reply without enthusiasm. "The Viscount is an honourable man, Effie. All will be well," Henry assures. 

"In the coming days, we are to visit him and his family at the esteemed Aubrey Hall, where, on the eve of the grand ball they are hosting, the engagement shall be officially announced. In the meantime, I shall accompany you to Madame Delacroix's, where she shall make a gown befitting the occasion."

It seems I am to marry Viscount Bridgerton. 


Thank you for checking this story out. I hope you give the next chapters a chance.

Some of the dialogue might be similar to the show, but the story itself is quite different.

I'll attempt to make the rest of the chapters a little longer.

XO - E.

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