This Isn't Right

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He didn't have any time to process any of this, rather his weak senses were suddenly being flooded with... outdoor ambience? Another immediate, and jarring shift. He could have sworn he was just up... up... where? No, that wasn't right. He wasn't. He was... fine?

He wasn't here a few seconds ago, was he? No, he had to be. Right. He blinked a few times, but overall this didn't phase him much. It was as if his processors just... weren't processing the sudden shift.

Right now, he was entering the hotel to greet OJ. The two of them were going to spend some time together today. He entered with his usual sly smile, actually feeling really positive for once, to the point he wouldn't have to pretend. This was going to be genuine. The two exchanged greetings, OJ grabbing a blanket and picnic basket, before the two headed back out of the hotel, to the outside area that surrounded the building. This was their weekly get together, where they would talk about all sorts of stuff. It started as simple things, mostly OJ making it a point to 'subtly' check in on the robot occasionally after the show had ended, and everything else had happened to make sure he was okay. This was just a bit before MePhone had actually started staying at the hotel long-term.

It was right in the middle of a conversation when something wrong happened.

"Y'know I've actually been getting better at my baking, OJ. I made some cookies to prove it, but I didn't uh... Well, uh they didn't make it over here with me," MePhone sheepishly admitted. OJ just chuckled, before taking a bite of one of the sandwiches he had prepared for this outing.

"Not surprised, honestly," OJ gave a light-hearted jab.

"Hey! I'm not that much of a fat slob, y'know!" MePhone extends his arms outward, exasperated.

"Yeah, I know, I'm just joking, I promise, also, why do you keep calling yourself that?" OJ raised an eyebrow.

"You never had a problem with it before," MePhone shut his eyes, looking away dramatically as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, but if Cobs hears you saying something like that, he's not going to be happy."

What ...?

He opened his eyes immediately, this still being just as jarring as last time, if not worse, considering he was now back in his room at Meeple, with 4S sitting down on the other bed in the room. Oh. Yeah, this was normal, wasn't it? He just internally shrugged it off. He must've just spaced out, or was daydreaming, or... something.

"Well it's not my fault my vocabulary is apparently 'too crude' for him and his fancy business associates." MePhone sighed, flopping down onto his bed, not even bothering to remove his meeple uniform. He was still too exhausted from whatever happened earlier... Which he couldn't really remember, but he shoved that off as just being sleepy, or not wanting to think about it at the moment.

"You say that like mine isn't worse?" 4S questioned.

"Yeah well you're the one complaining. It's whatever though, he's not gonna know I've been swearing. I'm careful around him... Unlike a certain someone I know." MePhone cracked open one of his eyes, glancing over at his brother.

"It was one time, and not to mention a slip of the tongue!" 4S raised his voice, though he wasn't actually angry or anything.

"Yeah, yeah right," MePhone chuckled, a yawn escaping him as he let his eyes close. He'd probably go to sleep soon. Though... Something that seems incredibly off nags in the back of his mind, what sounds like a faint voice.


It was about ten minutes later when Fan made it down to the lab. Currently TestTube's most trusted friend, she figured he could probably help with at least looking through all this.

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