on the beach

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I am siting here all alone thinking
about my new home. i'm moving tomorrow in Italy so it will be hard for me. every year i have to travel because of my dad's company. i really want a friend who will always be by my side, but cause of my stupid traveling only thing i can make is toast. i'm sitting here on the beach watching sunset, but only thing i can think of is my boyfriend. he has been acting weird and that really scares me. i know i'm only 15, but
you can't command your heart. my best friend Tina is moving too in Los angeles. but no matter what i'm still going to call her and communicate with her. this year was the best year because of the school, like i made so many friends. i can't tell that about last school. i got bullied and kids called me lesbian because some stupid popular kid,Sabrina, spread a rumor about me that she saw me kissing girl. and she did that just because i accidentally bumped into her. But who cares because she's an absolute bitch. the good thing is that i'm moving in my favorite country.
I was thinking about my family when my dad called.
*on the call*
"hey princess, you have to pack your bags,don't you remember? please come home now"
"dad i will be home now. I'm sorry i didn't notice the time"
"it's ok sweetie, I love you"
"i love you too dad"
it has been too hard for me and my dad after mom left us. i know she's in a better place but i really miss her. she was my everything and i really love her. my dad is the only thing i have left and i don't even have a sibling.
my dad is everything for me,he is the sweetest. Like he would do anything for me and it's the same for me, i would do anything for him. honestly i can't see him often because he's always working in his room and he has online meetings. he works hard just to give me the best life and honestly he succeeded cause he is in my life and it's the only thing i need for a living, without him, i would be miserable.
My best friend Tina is always by my side, like we are always together. she has beautiful short curly hair, brown eyes and beautiful body. she is literally perfect but she thinks otherwise that she is ugly but like she is the finest. i will really miss her. my boyfriend Justin is the cutest. he is too clumsy an too hit also. he was and always will be the best boyfriend i have ever seen.
I finally got to my house and knocked on the door.
"finally you're here sweetheart."
"yeah dad."
"wanna eat? " he looked really hungry.
"don't tell me you waited for me to eat together"
"Yeah why not. i just wanted to eat with my daughter"
"Dad!! you look really tired i will make you dinner"
"it's ok sweetie i already made it"
"aww dad i love you so much"
"i love you too sweetie"
we ate and talked a little. then i went up to my room and started packing things. when i was packing my stuff, i found my memory box. there was letters that my mom wrote every year on my birthday. i started reading one of them.
" Dear Bella,
this is the day that you were born,the best day that could ever happen to me. when i first saw you, my heart sank because you were the cutest little princess. you are growing up too fast and it just makes me happy that you're mine. i love when you smile, i love when you hug me. i remember when you were five you came running to me and you told me "mom, i like jacob he is sweet person" it was the funniest time because you would always talk about jacob. he was your first crush. you're turning 12 now and it just makes me sad that you are growing so fast. I love you sweetie and happy birthday my dear.
-Ava, your mom.

it was when i realized i was crying the whole time. i just miss her so much i can't handle it.
After thirty minutes i packed my bags and I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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