appelle ça comme tu veux (Call it what you want)

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"Aria??? ARIA??!!!". Harry was shaking her from her dream sequence of Taylor Swift. Aria looked up at him and for good 3 seconds thought that all of that was just a dream, she almost smiled at how silly she felt and started to tell him about it but her bubble was quickly burst when she look to his right. what the actual fuck do you mean she is real. She may have stood there with her gaping mouth throughout Harry's introduction of her to Taylor.

But then she smiled. She smiled. At her. TAYLOR SWIFT smiled at Aria and in that moment all she wanted to do is burst into gold dust and fly away cause according to her, her life has fruited and there is nothing more to do with her life. She is done, ready to be buried at that very spot, where she smiled at her.

"Wait are you actually the Aria, like 'love she deserves' Aria?".

Theres is no chance in this vast fucking universe Taylor Swift knows who I am none-the-less what I sings. But she did. And she was asking her and all Aria was still doing was standing there with her mouth wide fucking open. Great first impression. Breathe--1--2--3..breathe--1--2--3...

"I profusely apologise for seeming like I've seen a ghost I am not going to lie you're like my favourite artist and my "friends" seem to think it funny, me collapsing at a party so they didn't warn me", Aria says, sarcastically grinning at her friends. "I, I am just...I'm so taken aback I'm so sorry like learning that you've heard my song, I could actually just declare 'I've achieved everything in life' right now.."

She laughed. At my joke? She laughs? I am Taylor Swift..?? She...Oh my god she. "You're funny, very. I love that 'cause it doesn't seem like from the kind of songs you write. I was almost gonna say for what you went through." she laughs a bit after that. I should ask Louis to pinch me.

That interaction was 15 mins ago and Aria was still living in that moment. She met some new people, some producers taking interest in her for which she was so happy. She had a drink, she talked to some more people but in her mind she is still there..watching her smile at her. There was a band performing on stage, they were playing some slow indie beats, actually very pleasant, the party was alive and booming; drinks flowing and people laughing. Aria kinda liked it, it was taking her mind from running 600 miles an hour about her interaction with Taylor. Taylor. Oh, what does Taylor Swift do at a party? she. Aria was looking around trying find the most shiny blonde hair or the most sparkling blue eyes the party...when she saw her, at the bar, talking her a guy but

WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK.... Taylor Swift was looking back at her. They had locked eyes across the room. Usually if people are caught staring, they take their eyes off, pretend to be searching around for something but Taylor didn't. She stared and looked at Aria, perhaps even into her soul reading her like an open book with font size 32. Aria couldn't take her eyes off either, she felt her eyes trying to read her...and Aria didn't hesitate, she let her; she wanted her to. She never wanted Taylor to take her eyes off her. Maybe she read enough, maybe she didn't wanna invade, maybe she despised what she saw or maybe she got everything that she needed because then Taylor smiled at her and looked away, indulging in the conversation with the man. Probably some big shot guy whom Aria should approach because she isn't Taylor Swift yet but her brain had dumped any and information from itself and the only thing it recollected is Taylor Swift.

It had been 2 hours now, people were either leaving to some other place or sitting down for food. All the business guys had left the party, it was just the artists and the writers now. Everybody sitting with their friends, talking about the good time or bitiching about the bosses or the "next big thing" and on and on. Aria was sat next to Louis on one side and Selena on the other. Am i friends with Selena Gomez now? I wish I was her bestie she is so pretty. Maybe I can start a religion for her? Thats when she came over. She just walked over and sat on Selena's lap. "I am exhausted I cannot talk business for one more minute"

There was a unanimous nod of heads and laughter and "me too"s from the table. She is Taylor Swift after all, who was sat next to Aria. She felt like if she looked at Taylor eve accidently she might burst into flames, just cause to Aria she is so pure and divine. "What are having?" Harry had asked. People had began chattering again and the drink had started to flow faster now. Most them were on the tipsy-er side of spectrum while some were starting to get sloshed. Aria was having fun now too, she had almost blocked Taylor's existence out of her mind under the weight of alcohol and noise, she was laughing and making jokes now. People were laughing and she loved it. Then she heard it...from behind her. She laughed. Prolly the second sweetest sound Aria had ever heard after her voice. I want to look at her. I want to see her smile, I want to see if she is real. I need to see. her.

And so Aria did. She turned back, looked at Taylor, in her eyes again. She saw her laughing at something else someone else had added on. Pure and divine. Taylor looked back at her too. They were both smiling. Something unknown is said between them, maybe it was just the martinis or maybe it was fate but something was whispered. The others were laughing still, having the time of their lives just when Taylor had stood up and excused herself to the bathroom. Aria was watching her walk away when she turned around. She didn't gesture anything, she didn't have to. Her eyes enough. Fate.

Aria had gotten up 2 minutes later. People were too busy being drunk to notice her or Taylor gone at this point in night. She followed her to the bathroom. For such an elegant party, the bathroom were kind-of club-ish, with neon purple lights and black bricks but still elegant mirrors and decor and heavy doors. Would she actually be there? Aria was also a bit drunk right now but she couldn't miss this chance. She entered the bathroom and was closing the door behind just when she pulled to the side.

They both slammed against the wall on the right of the door. Taylor? "Are you okay? geez you scared me." Aria was currently pushed against the wall while Taylor was standing in front of her. "Are you okay?", Aria asked again. Taylor held her hand. She took her hand and intertwined their fingers together. Aria quite literally had stopped breathing.

"Would you runaway with me?"

Somnium (Dream)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن