la musica y ella (Music and her)

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"There's no you're a top", Taylor said. She wasn't actually, Aria had the babiest of baby faces and she wore glasses as big as her face. Dressing up masc would also not be saving grace from the amount of bottom energy she gives. Weirdly enough this was on of Aria's first memories of Taylor Swift.

The Taylor Fucking Swift. International sensation, the music industry, the Taylor Swift who Aria had only dreamt of meeting one day when Tim McGraw came out, the Taylor Swift who inspired them to start writing songs. Aria was not only sharing a room with her now but Taylor was actually looking at her and talking to her. You see somewhere in the past 7 years, Aria had been lucky enough to get an opportunity to go from singing in pubs and at her family gatherings to completing a course in music production and then finally writing and producing for Red ribbon records. This wasn't syco or big machine but it was start and she couldn't be happier. (i understand the past is a bit boring so we'll fill in the details of how things came across as we proceed).

It had been a few years of grinding and shifting to different cities after which Aria finally had landed a dream job a the music company which was going to work with Harry Styles. It was 2015, Aria cried the day the band went on a "hiatus" but it was 5 days later she had got a phone call saying she got the job. Those were the years things actually took a turn for the better. She had gotten selected to write and produce with Harry Styles in Japan. From being a stan and crying over Zayn leaving the band, Aria had now actually become friends with Harry Styles and his boyfriend Louis Tomlinson. Not only that but she had managed to release of few songs for her own which apparently people liked a lot. She had released an ep a few months ago which did receive a nomination in the VMAs and AMAs for the lead single. She cried a lot that day. Imagine Harry Styles having to rub your back cause you saw a notification on your phone and almost died of hyperventilation. It took her 5 months after all of that realise that the little girl from India who had only ever dreamt of being on stage and raising her voice, had gotten an award for voicing her feelings. The beginning of 2016 is when it happened.

"Aria there is this party tonight, all the major league producers and artists are going to be there you know", Louis said.

"Oh, should I call up your guy's stylists and make sure things are ready then?"

"No we actually thought it would be a good time for you to debut into the world you know, meet new people, focus on your music, on yourself", Harry said. Aria wanted to laugh so hard, she was in her head, but seeing the expectant look on both of their faces made it seem like they weren't joking. A 1000 thoughts were going through her head because yeah she might have had a good job and good friends, but surely her music wasn't that good that people would want to know her. All she wrote was songs about what she wanted and who cares what she wants.

"Is she okay? Is she gonna cry again, Harry she's gonna cry...", Louis was saying in the background while Aria had zoned out, trying not to scream and run around the room.

Little did she know that invite was going to change her life; in ways she hadn't even dreamt of; in ways better than it already had changed. So there she was, a timid little shadow behind Harry, trying to calm her nerves while walking into one of the biggest parties of the century. She was wearing a formal lilac suit with a silk-off white bralet, for the first time in a while she had tried putting on some make -up cause this was going to be her make-or-break moment and she wanted to be her best self. All of that seemed so little against the grandeur of the gala laid in front of her.

"I should've taken those shots Louis offered before huh", she thought.

She took 3 deep breaths, put a smile on trying to cover how terrified she was and just went in. "Im just gonna bawl" was her life ideology atp. To be quite fair for the once "shy, always sat in the corner of the party" child, Aria was doing surprisingly well. Louis had introduced her to some of his management people and she had managed to crack a few jokes and she hadn't thrown up yet. It was off to a brilliant start. It was almost 45 mins into the party...this was just when Aria was actually starting to feel like she might just do ok; this was when Aria was fawning over Selena Gomez and blabbering to her about her angelic voice and how starstruck she (no cause it genuinely took her a full 7 mins to utter a 'hello'); this was when Aria was laughing with Harry and a few other producer mates when...

when suddenly the room was dark and there was only one spotlight on pointed at the door, a breeze had picked up whooshing loudly in her ears, the music was drowned out and the chatter became a whisper and the doors of the venue turned into mist and sparkles cause there she was...Taylor Alison fucking Swift. Just casually walking in, saying hello to everyone with her sweet as honey smile and her classic red lips, floating down the room while parting the crowds like Moses to the sea, walking through a mist of gold and with a halo on her head...

Except this was all playing in Aria's head and Taylor just simply came through the doors and like a normal human is talking to her friends and the others. She did wear her classic red lip though, with a gorgeous shiny silvery silk gown, which fit her like a glove, flowy at the bottom...for Aria she looked nothing short of a Goddess wearing aa flowing watery golden silk dress. There were people around her, everyone dying to meet her and rightfully so but she just waved to the lot and was making her way to the other side of the room with a very child-like happy grin on her face. It hadnt dawned on Aria until Taylor crossed half of the party that she was making her way to the group of people she was with..which consisted of Taylor's literal best friends: Selena and Harry. By the time Aria could wrap her mind around any of this Taylor was already meeting everyone around the circle, hugging Selena, having a playful conversation Louis while Harry was making some joke about them. Aria was standing maybe 15 cms away from all this chatter but she couldn't hear anything, she couldn't fathom anything, mind in a spiral until things started getting blurry in front of her eyes and eventually all she saw was black.

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