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Luke's p.o.v

"Michael can we please, like, go now?"

"No I'm about to make my movie, just wait."

"Uhh, Michael. You and your stupid ways."

"Ok, I'm going in now."

"Wait-" I didn't even finish my sentence before he walked away, leaving me by myself at a fucking Halloween party. So i just decided to go out side, where it was quiet.

"Uhh.. Luke, isn't it?"

I turned around to see Josh, standing there. Josh was the most popular boy in school and could practically get anyone he wants in his bed.

"Uhh... yeah-Yeah, why?"

"Oh, I just wanted to know, you know, since your standing here alone, if you would like to come with me?"

Why would Josh be asking me to come with him? I'm practically the nerd of the school. So, being me, I said yeah.

"Uh yeah sure. Where are we going?" I asked.

"To a haunted house. On, and my friends are coming too, if you don't mind."

His friends were a total douchebags. But, hey, I'm with Josh. So, who cares?

I sent him a nod saying 'yes' and we made are way to the car. When we got in, him and his friends were sending glares each other like they were planning something of some sort.. But I didn't pay to much attention to that.

After a hour, or so, we finally were at this "haunted" house. But, when I looked out side, all I saw were woods and the dark.

Josh and his friends got out of the car, so i follow.

"Wh-where are we, Josh?"

"You'll see," he said taking my hand and dragging me through the woods, with him. It was so dark and I started to get scared. When we finally stopped, we were in front of this huge house that looked haunted as fuck.

"Josh, can we go? I don't want to go in there..."

"Oh c'mon, don't be scared!" When he said that, him and his friend, Blake, ran inside. Leaving me with his other friend, Ben.

"Come on," Ben said, smirking like he new something was going to happen.

When we went in, all the lights were turned off.

"So, do you know the legend of the house?" Ben asked.

"No... Why?"

"Ha, you don't. Well, I shall tell you. One day, back in the 90s, there were two young boys, about our age, named Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin..."

My body started to shiver as he finished the story. I could already tell it was going to be scary.

"Ok, so one night, Ashton came to spend the night at his best friends house - which was Calum - and, oh boy, let's just say they weren't expecting what happened to them that night at all. They had just gone to sleep, when they heard Mrs and Mr. Hood's bloody screams. Him and Ashton jump out of bed- and that's all we know. Legend says that they were turned into vampires that night, because they didn't find Calum and Ashton. All they found were Calum's parents' limbs, all over the place. And it happened in this house-" Before he could finish, we heard a loud ear piercing scream. When I looked up, Ben was running into a room and left me. And to say I was scared was an understatement. I tried to stay cool, but then I heard another one, and it sounded like Ben, so I ran to see if he was ok but when i got their his guts were every were and there was blood everywhere. Then I saw something move in the corner of my eyes and saw, not one, but two things standing there.

I screamed and ran, but slipped over the blood.

"Please don't kill me! I won't tell anyone!" I started crying, but then I started to hear laughter. I looked up through teary eyes and saw Ben and Josh, taking off their masks, laughing at me.

"All-all of this was a joke?"

"Yes, you dummy. What makes you think I'd randomly tell you to come with me? Boy, your stupid," Josh said, laughing.

At this point I was mad, humiliated, and sad, at the same time. So, all I did was curl up in a ball and cry.

The laughter stopped and it was quiet. Then I heard another scream, and the sounds of limbs tearing apart.

Stupid jerks and then there gonna try and do it to me, again. I looked up and saw Josh's head getting torn off, and I realised that this was not a trick. It was real life...

I screamed, "Please don't kill me!!"

"Oh I'm not."


Their you go another one for you hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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