why shes useless

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first of all, there was no reason for her to be Rodney's love interest?? Like?? They never showed ANY interest in eachother? The only thing they had together was bigweld assuming Rodney and cappy were together?? like what is her point??

second, a reason why she isn't useless but IS
she helped Rodney find bigweld, but like.. couldn't he of found it on some tourist map?? I know she helped Rodney escape from ratchet but it would've been better if he managed to get out himself ur would've added more to the movie

her "hobby" is ovoiding ratchet. WHAT?? who likes avoiding people??

piper. what was the point in hee crushing on Rodney the whole time if he was gonna get with cappy? It makes piper's character make less sense, if she had gotten with him it would've been like so much better?? she had so much potential with that yet they STILL made Rodney get with cappy??

they don't make sense together.
cappy has upgrades, she's shiny, fancy, and probably rich in ways, Rodney looks like he's gonna get outmoded any minute, he's rusty in places and he's the "hand me down son of a dishwasher" I know his whole plot and story is him becoming more than that but like that's still who he is?? he doesn't make sense with her, piper made more sense with her also being more rusty and more alike Rodney, they had more potential together and had a better dynamic.

cappy has upgrades, she's shiny, fancy, and probably rich in ways, Rodney looks like he's gonna get outmoded any minute, he's rusty in places and he's the "hand me down son of a dishwasher" I know his whole plot and story is him becoming more than...

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