Chapter Thirty-Two

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June 22, 2011

Elena walks downstairs to see Klaus by the stairs. Klaus holds out his hand. Elena smiles. Elena takes his hand. He leads her into the kitchen. She sees Freya, Finn, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah all looking at her.

She said, "What's going on?" They all don't say anything. She sees Esther come in with a cake. Elena knows what they're doing. Rebekah said, "We know you didn't want anything big." Elena said, "Thank you guys this is perfect."

Freya lights the candles. Elena blows them out. They all congrats her on turning 19. Elena said, "Thank you, I can't believe I'm 19." Klaus said, "Bonnie, Matt, Stefan, Damon, Thyri, Jackson, and Caroline are taking you for the day."

Elena eyes widen. Everyone is doing their own special thing with Elena because she didn't want a party. Elena, Bonnie, Thyri, Caroline, Matt, Stefan, Jackson, and Damon all hang out with Elena and played games.

Damon said, "Elena, truth and dare." Elena said, "Hmm, truth." Damon said, "Who do you love the most out of your ex's?" Elena said, "Klaus and Stefan." Damon said, "And why is that?"

Elena said, "Stefan, because he gave me hope and was patient I truly opened up to him and Klaus, he taught me so much he didn't rush me not that Matt or Stefan did. But I think he was coming up for fresh air. He loved me hard and that made me fall so hard when I was done with relationships."

Bonnie said, "Truth or dare, Stefan?" Stefan said, "Dare." Bonnie said, "I dare you to call Rebekah and tell something you've always wanted to tell her." Stefan calls Rebekah and she answers. Rebekah said, "Yes, Stefan?"

Stefan said, "Rebekah, I fell harder for you than anyone I loved. You are the love of my life and I can't imagine spending my life without you in it and I love who you are how kind you are."

He takes her off speaker phone. Rebekah said, "Stefan, since we're being honest I've always wanted to be your wife and I love you so much I love how you forgive everyone and I would every much like to spend our lives together I've never fell for someone like this."


Elena said, "I have a question for everyone in this room and be honest. Who do you regret sleeping with?" Caroline said, "Damon." Stefan said, "Katherine, because how it went down." Katherine said, "Damon, only because I didn't really love him at the time." Elena said, "Damon, because I knew what he truly wanted that I didn't want." Bonnie said, "No one."

Stefan said, "Katherine truth or dare?" Katherine said, "Dare." Stefan said, "I want to you to call Elijah and moan his name." Katherine calls Elijah, Elijah said, "Katerina, yes?" Katherine starts to moan out his name. Elijah said, "Katerina, come home." Everyone's eyes widen.

Katherine smiles and said, "Coming, Lijah." Elijah chuckles and Katherine hangs up and goes to Elijah. Everyone just start laughing. Thyri said, "Matt, truth or dare?" Matt said, "Truth." Thyri said, "Matt, what's something you haven't told any of else." Matt said, "I'm moving in 2 weeks." They all hug him.

Caroline said, "Jackson, truth or dare?" Jackson said, "Dare." Caroline said, "I dare you to go outside and yell I'm a vampire for 20 minutes." He goes outside and does it. They all watch him and laugh.

Jackson said, "Truth or dare Caroline." Caroline said, "Truth." Jackson said, "Who would you fuck in this room?" Caroline said, "Thyri." Everyone is shocked.

Then Jenna and Jeremy took Elena and they all just hung out watch movies, talking, and they bought a bunch of snacks and ate them. They all decided to go to Miranda and Grayson grave.

Elena and Jeremy sits next to their parents grave Elena said, "Mom, you'd be proud me and Jeremy survived, we both are doing good, I have two kids, and I graduated. Jeremy is still in school, he is really smart, he is a good person, and he draws really good."

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