Emma groaned at the very idea, finally standing up straight and moving the sofa where she fell onto, face first, deciding that she would deal with it when he came home. For now, a nap would suffice. 


Three rhythmic knocks woke Emma up, and three more for her to look past the sofa and towards the door where finally a very familiar face walked in. She smiled, a welcomed face that is. 

"Stopping by the see me? How nice, Ray." I yawned, leaning onto the back of the sofa, resting my arms atop. "You miss me during math?" 

Ray, similar to his mother in his lack of amusement and unlike her in his lack of softness as he spoke, rolled his eyes. "No, Emma, I am not here to be nice, I'm here because a little birdie told me that you got suspended for breaking the ceiling and I was so baffled that I had to come here and check for myself." 

A laugh escaped Emma. "Yeah, I did! I will admit not my best but certainly not the worst I've... done." Her voice dwindled as she looked straight at him. He didn't look upset, more just frustrated, perhaps disappointed as well. She looked away shamefully. "Sorry." 

The young boy walked closer, taking a seat near the edge of the sofa, trying to regain his typical lax attitude before speaking. 

"I'm just surprised, your last screw-up was only a couple of weeks ago. After your last scolding, I figured you'd lay off for a bit." Ray sighed. "At this rate, you may just get kicked out of school, who knows."

Emma grimaced, a panicked expression overcoming her, and fear riddled her voice. "You don't think your mom will actually kick me out do you?" She gasped. "She's just been waiting to get revenge for her carpet all these years hasn't she?" 

Ray rolled his eyes, ruffling his delusional friend's hair as he stood up. "She had to replace the carpet you know, she was pissed." A small upturn of his lips at the memory. "But no, that has nothing to do with it, she doesn't make such decisions based on unrelated screw-ups. No, Emma, this decision will be made based on your last two years of school-related screw-ups instead, which, at this point is getting concerning. So, carrot top, I recommend you stay out of trouble for a while... a long while."

Emma could only frown at his, what she found to be, a condescending attitude. But alas, he had a point: she did have to keep her butt out of trouble before her butt got itself expelled. She fell back onto the sofa, irked by another detail of his scolding. 

He doesn't have to talk to me like a child. 

"I'll get going now, I'm sure Yuugo will have something in store much worse than I did and I'm not too keen on being here for it." Ray let a smile crack through as he waved goodbye, most likely happy at what was to come. 

Emma scowled, waving him goodbye from her final resting place. Surely it would be the last time she would ever see him again, perhaps she would see him as a ghost at her funeral. 

"Bye, Ray." 


"Well, if it isn't Ms. Sunshine, how was your suspension?" Ray asked upon seeing his very dear friend early the morning of her return, he suppressed any sort of joy he got from seeing her so disheveled. 

Emma, unlike herself, offered a sarcastic smile as she hummed. "Can you imagine that I had a blast?" 

"No, it wouldn't give" me the gratifying feeling of thinking that Yuugo made you regret everything you've ever done wrong in the last couple of days."  Ray snickered. "So tell me, did her?"

"... I don't wanna talk about it." 

"That's okay, your response tells me everything I need to know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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