Suddenly, his phone rang, and he snatched it up, his hard expression turning into a beam but soon it disappeared when he glanced at me.

"I will deal with you later"

With that he walked away, whilst I remained at my place, weird.

After a while, I somehow made my way back to the living room, where I observed, dad and a woman whom I surmised to be his girlfriend, sitting on the couch.

As I went near, dad apprised her of my presence, and she motioned for me to join them. I sat with them and soon, dad promptly nudged my arm, indicating that I should greet her, I rolled my eyes with slight annoyance.


I greeted her and bowed down slightly, to which she responded with a genuine smile.

"Hello dear, it's really nice to meet you, I'm Sherly"

I replied with a nodd, her smile didn't seemed fake and it somehow made me smile as well.

"Since, we all are here, I will call my son now."

Son? She has a son? I immediately glanced at my dad who was now avoiding eye contacts with me.

Another lie, is he kidding me? Now I'm going to have a stepbrother, a fucking stepbrother?


She called out his name, and not so long after, we heard footsteps.

As I glanced at my side, my eyes grew wider when my gaze fell on his body and stopped at his face, it was him.

"Hello uncle, how are you? It's been a while"

"I'm fine, what about you son?"

"I'm also fine as always."

I watched as they both conversed, completely ignoring my existence.

So, they all have already met with one another and I'm unaware? Wow, just wow, my dad gives me so much importance I never knew.

"Sunghoon, meet her, she's Lyra. She will be your stepsister."

Sherly said, as he turned to me and leaned closer, with a smirk.

"Nice to meet you, sis."

He whispered the last sentence which creeped the hell out of me, hiding the urge to push him away, I faked a smile and scooted closer to dad.

Dad and Sherly then engaged in a conversation, unaware of us who were shoting glares to each other.

Now this grumpy dude is going to be my stepbrother, what a unlucky fate I have.

"So, Dvian, shall we talk to the kids now?"

"Yess, I think we should"

Now what in the world they are talking about? I gazed at them boringly.

"Sunghoon, I want you to be more responsible, since you have to look after Lyra. Me and Dvian are visiting Australia for the business project we are working on together, is it clear?"

"Wait!! Dad, can we talk about this elsewhere, just the two of us?"

I asked to dad as he nodded, we proceeded towards a nearby room, and I locked the door before turning to him.

"Dad, what is this all? You're leaving me here with a stranger?"

"He's not a stranger, didn't you saw earlier? He's a great kid and he will surely take better care of you, trust me."

"I genuinely do not care about whatever kind of peoples they are. I trusted you dad but all you did was lied to me every now and then, first that you have a girlfriend, then I will have a stepbrother and now you're saying that you're going to leave me with him?"

I spated slightly, I was too upset to care about how disrespectful I was sounding right now.

"Lyra, you had promised to help me right? Try to understand, I'm not leaving you, I'm just visiting there for work, I have to do something about the losses I'm having currently, and it will take 2 months."

"2 months? You know what, I wouldn't even have uttered a word if only you'd have tell this to me earlier, you literally are making me feel like a stranger right now."

I snapped everything, and ran from there, as I ran past the living room I heard Sherly calling out for me but I ignored, and ran to wherever my feet was taking me.

Tears filled my eyes, but I didn't wiped it even though I hate crying so much, it always makes me feel so weak. I've never felt like a pathetic in my whole life, but today my own dad made me feel like one. First Ivy and now dad, they both are the only peoples I love, and they both lied to me. Betrayers.


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