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It has been approximately two hours, and my dad and I are currently en route to his so-called girlfriend's home.

He has been in a relationship with this woman for months now, yet he is only telling me about it now. I am confused as to why I agreed to accompany him to this meeting with strangers.

If it were not for all the things he has done for me, which most fathers never do for their daughters, I would have declined. It is not as though I can't stay at home alone.

After a while, we finally arrived at our destination. Only I know how I managed to pack my belongings in such a short amount of time. Suddenly, the same two guys from earlier approached us and assisted in carrying our luggage inside.

"Remember to treat everyone nicely"

Dad approached me, as I nodded boringly then we proceeded towards the mansion.

When I looked up at the house, my mouth hung open. The mansion was so big and beautifully decorated, I wondered how wealthy the owners must be.

As we stepped inside, we were welcomed by an elderly lady who appeared to be a maid and was around the same age as my grandmother.

We then proceeded inside, and an inaudible gasp escaped my lips, which fortunately went unnoticed. The interior of the house was even more stunning than the exterior, and it seemed almost too good to be true.

If anyone were to see me now, they would assume that I was seeing this for the first time in my life, which sadly is true. I quickly regained my composure when the lady turned to us.

"I'll help the guys upstairs. Mr Dvian, why don't you go and check up on madam, she's in her room."

The lady said and dad nodded. As dad departed to go to his girlfriend's room, he warned me not to cause any disturbances, as if I'll listen to him.

I proceeded to walk through the rooms, admiring its grandeur without any particular destination in mind. Eventually, I stumbled into what I assumed was the kitchen, and accidentally knocked into an object, I hastily replaced it before exhaling in relief.

"Who are you?"

I turned to the owner of the voice, and saw a tall guy with raised eyebrows and a water bottle in his hand.

Goodness gracious, why is he shirtless? Could he be a butler? But why would a butler wander about in such a manner?

"Who are you miss?"

My thoughts were interrupted by his voice, and I averted my gaze while clearing my throat.

"Who are you?"

"I asked you first."

"Why should I tell you?"

"Are you perhaps a thief?"

"Pardon Mr?

I snapped out, how dare he assume me as a thief? Can't he see how pretty I am?

"Well, you're not telling me who are you, and your outfit is weird, means you're surely a thief, because a respectful guest wouldn't just barge inside someone's kitchen like th-"

I threw water on his face after taking the bottle from his hand, before he could even complete his sentence.

"That's what you get for messing with me."

I snapped, smiling proudly as he, without caring about the water drops of his face, stared at me which actually was a death glare.

I was ready to sheild myself as I expected him to do the same but no, he instead began taking slow steps towards me, but why am I taking steps backwards though? No way I'm not scared, I can't be scared of a 6 feet tall grumpy guy, who literally walks like a penguin.

His troublemaker || Park Sunghoon Where stories live. Discover now