Chapter 30 - Abridged

Start from the beginning

The story came out in a tearful rush, from planning the attack on the Lady Avilia during the march from Bonna – gone horribly wrong when the supposedly allied locals slaughtered the Legion command and stole the Eagle when they were handed the opportunity – to the attacks this morning and the hurried ambush planned for tonight.

"And now you tell me everything he missed," Ennius stated. "Or I hand you someone who will extract the information as they deem appropriate." She looked back to see Brasus, Quintus and the messenger looking down at her. She remained silent, betting the Legate was bluffing as she knew nothing of Ennius, and the messenger eventually cracked a smile and then his knuckles.

"The months add up to nearly a year since I've interrogated a woman," he grinned.

"I'll hold her for you," Brasus offered. She struggled for a moment. The messenger shrugged and pulled out his knife. She struggled to twist her hand away from him but he held tightly to one of her fingers.

"This is going to really, really hurt," the messenger informed her.

She started filling in the details to what her son had said. The timing and location of tonight's planned ambush finally tumbled out of her mouth as the knife drifted closer to her fingernail. Ennius halted the messenger.

"Do you have what you need?" the Legate asked, looking at Brasus. Brasus turned a questioning look to Quintus and the older man nodded. The Centurion released the woman and struck her head, knocking her out. He then stepped over her and knocked the boy unconscious as well. Brasus unstrapped his sword and gave the belt and all to Quintus.

"You've a horse nearby?" Brasus asked.

"I'll take the closest one, find a saddle for her," Quintus answered, strapping Brasus's belt over his own as the Centurion quickly left. Ennius felt the questioning look on his face deepen as the messenger asked Quintus for orders.

"Stay within reach of the Legate," Quintus stated quietly. "Make sure these two are properly caged and guarded. Nazario will stay in the encampment to clean up any further trouble."

Ennius was about to start questioning when the messenger nodded to the freeman and Quintus strode out of the tent. When the he followed, the messenger fell in closely behind him as ordered. Brasus was just finishing bridling the mare when Ennius caught up with his uncle.

"What's going on?" Ennius demanded, keeping his tone low.

"She listens better to body commands than the bit," Brasus handed the reins to Quintus, ignoring his Legate. The mare glared down at the trio of men. Brasus held the bridle in his fist as Quintus stepped beside her.

"Uncle," Ennius cautioned, "Quintus, wait, please," he pleaded. "Don't do this, man, I've seen you ride."

Brasus, Quintus and the messenger all chuckled.

"You've seen me sitting on a moving horse, boy," Quintus was still grinning as he mounted, calmly sitting as she twisted and fought. "Don't confuse that with riding."

Brasus released his hold on the bridle and Quintus bent the mare to his will. They raced toward the road into Verona. Ennius hooked a hand behind Brasus's neck and held the Centurion close for a private conversation.

"What's going on?" Ennius demanded quietly.

"Our uncle rides in defense of Rome," Brasus stated, his features blank to the eyes that turned their way in response to the mare being ridden.

" 'Our' uncle?" Ennius leaned back so that he could catch the Centurion's eye. Brasus cracked a small grin, but made no reply. "You will explain this to me before the sun rises tomorrow," Ennius ordered.

"I will to the extent I'm allowed," Brasus agreed cryptically. "But first," he looked to the messenger.

"You're to stay in camp and clean up any trouble," the man parroted Quintus's orders.

"I'll call the needed men to round up those whose names have been brought to your attention, sir," Brasus stated, his gaze turning back to his Legate.

"Send word to the Governor, as well," Ennius ordered quietly, releasing his hold on the Centurion, the horrible suspicion that he was no longer in command gnawing at his stomach. "I'll not have him surprised by our activities when rumors reach him in the morning."

Brasus turned to the messenger who was shadowing Ennius, planning to send him into the city. The messenger met his look with a small shake of his head.

"I'm to stay within reach of Celsus Mirificus."

Brasus nodded and strode away without any further comments or questions, pausing to speak privately with one of the watching men before continuing on his way. The man donned his armor and sword and took off at a run toward the camp gate nearest Verona. Ennius turned his questioning gaze to the messenger standing slightly behind him, but the man infuriatingly refused to meet his eye. Ennius was about to send for one of his Front Files when an unranked Legionnaire jogged up to him.

"Nazario sent me, sir, regarding the mess in your tent, sir," the Legionnaire stated quietly, nodding a familiar greeting to the messenger. Ennius filed away the burning curiosity he carried for the connections between the men who were now – obviously – blindly loyal to Quintus and the Centurion of the 6th and 4th. He decided to question Verus in detail in the morning with, he suddenly realized, the same success as a fish climbing a tree because he actually needed to be questioning the Centurion who had just walked away.

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