1.0|| Welcome

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"Dani, I understand you have been through a lot. You lost your best friend, nothing in the world could be harder than that. But I need you to cooperate with me. Who did you see holding the weapon?"

I looked up at the detective as tears pooled my eyes and dripped down my cheeks. She was blonde, much like I was but those hideous bangs made the bigger difference. And she was pale, paler than most that I've seen. I couldn't  judge though because why would you care about how you look when you've got a murder to solve? The murder of a 16 year old girl. It was a tragic story if you asked me and believe me I've been asked. It didn't matter though because I was going to make sure Marinas death stayed as it was right now. Unsolved and buried.


Episode 1|| Welcome...

Sun kissed skin. Beach wind weaving through me hair. Fingers spread out behind me as I sit back into the sand, taking in the beautiful beach scenery in front of me. My father used to bring me out to the beaches in the Maldives for my birthday every year because it fell right before the summer holidays.

He would use the excuse to take me because he knew it was Somewhere to escape the torture that was my mother. Mom was a selfish bitch and didn't care for anyone but herself. She took everything without so much as a "Thank you". Not only that, but she left me and my father to restart a little family of her own. Last time I checked she was living happily in Paris with her french husband and three kids. I think they're all my age but I never know since she left me and my father in the dark. The only reason I know this information is because my father has this weird habit of keeping up with her life.

I check the clock on my phone as it read 6:23am. I got here about an hour ago as soon as I woke up. Meaning I was sitting at the beach with my little tiny pjs along with my fuzzy pink slippers. I was never one to care about how I looked especially when there was no human being in sight.

I scrolled a little and found a few messages from friends mainly from Marina who bitched about her brother in most of them. A few from Carla, and a couple from Lu who wanted to know what makeup I would be wearing for the first day. Speaking of school, I had to be there in about two hours so I decide there that I should head back home. It's nice to live close by the beach, it means I have somewhere to escape when things get piled on too heavy. School, friends, family (with the little amount I have), life— whatever gets too much this place, this sand, it's where you can find me. Only a few people know that though.

When i'm back at the house I do a sloppy parking job with my barbie pink Mustang in the driveway and slide open the front door. The house isn't quiet but it isn't too loud either. Soft lyric-less music plays in the speakers that litter around the house.

"Papa?! I'm home where are you?" I yell knowing that he's already been awake since 4am. He doesn't usually get  more than 3 hours of sleep since he's always working but I still try to get him to do it anyways. He's old, shouldn't all old people get at LEAST nine hours?

"At the beach again?" He says as I enter the kitchen where he was having his usual cup of black coffee. I didn't have to ask how he knew where I was because it was the only place I could be at this hour.

I shake my head and head towards the fridge. He wasn't supposed to be having coffee more than twice a day and knowing him, that was already his second. "Where else would I be?"

He chuckles before folding his face in digust as his eyes noticed my hands full of greens that I pulled from the fridge. Spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, you name it. I was making my father a green juice since he couldn't care less about his health. And one for myself because I actually enjoyed drinking them.

"Come on mija I don't want to start with that green shit again." He groaned and placed his empty cup in the sink.

"Doctors orders papa," I sighed. "You have to start caring about the things that goes into your body. You can't live off of whiskey and caffeine for a living. Your not in your twenties anymore." My father may sometimes be a hard ass, but I still have the duty to make sure he takes care of himself.

Father whistled, "I love the subtle burn there."

"You wouldn't want it any other way," I gave him a smile over my shoulder as I watched him stalk out of the kitchen.

When I'm done with the juice I pour out a glass each for the both of us and quickly pace towards my fathers study. I knock twice and push open the door with my foot. "Here's your juice, if you don't finish it all, i'll force it down your throat when I'm back from school. Love you." I kiss his cheek and run out the door tightly holding my own juice before dad could argue.

Getting ready was always the easy part for me. Makeup subtle, but still flirty enough for boys to think they could get their way with me. My uniform was sleek, always went with the grey blazer because it kept with my "golden beauty" I had going on. I could look put together when a crowd permits it but not even god would know what was going inside this beautifully strong skull of mine. A storm of emotions, memories, thoughts and everything stupid in between.

When I'm done swallowing in self deprecating pity I sprits a few pumps of perfume on and slip out the door quietly. Dad was probably still gagging over his juice while signing off paperwork for his construction company that's built most of the architecture here in Madrid. He and my best friends father even funded the 3 new scholarship students that should be starting today. Some public school burnt down a couple weeks ago and papa thought it would make the media happy if he gave 3 students a scholarship to my school. Before I had to put up with dumb rich idiots and now I have to deal with media pawns. How fun would that be? I zoned out for the rest of the drive and before I knew it I was stalking through the door to my homeroom class.

"Hola Chica!!" I felt my mind roll back to where I was once I heard Lus upbeat greeting. "Look at you all dolled up, expecting someone to finally rip that little blazer off?" She whispered so only we could hear. Carla included.

"Lu shut up and don't even start." I warned playfully before stepping aside to hug my other best friend Carla.

"How're you, Missy? Still going strong with your boy obviously? And so are you?" I ask both Carla and Lu. They had been locked in with their man candies before I could remember. Lu and her boy Guzman weren't always together but because our friend group stayed close for forever, they shacked up pretty early on. Carla and her man Polo, god they were destined together since the womb.

Me? I was the only one who never started or even been in a committed relationship. Of course the Black sheep of our little trio.

"You already know the answer to that." Carla slickly rolled her eyes. She's right I do. The 4 of them were as strong as ever. It sucked honestly, because I was always 5th wheeling them. I could hold my own pretty well but when I'm with them it still feels demeaning when I have to find my own entertainment while they sucked the faces of their respected partners.

"How about you?" She asked, leaned in and whispered so that only the three of us could hear. "Has a certain someone finally come to his senses?"

I groaned finding my patience belittling the more I talked to them, "fuck the both of you."

They laughed as I grumpily walked towards the back corner of the room sitting beside the person my girls were talking about.

"Hola Mi amore."

God those lips. Those fucking lips that I wish I could kiss anytime I see them. The one that uttered the voice I would hear call me in my dreams. His little beauty mark that I actually could kiss any time I get the chance, but always in a friendly way since it wouldn't be anything else. And those eyes...those fucking eyes. It took a hold of my heart and pumped it more than the oxygen that kept it alive. Brought blood through it as it beat harder each time I looked at him. But he would never know that, he would just think that the way I looked at him was affectionate in a friendly way. Or that the thoughts I had of him weren't as short of anything innocent. It sucks being friendzoned. That's why Carla and Lu tease me so much about it. I was so coward to confess to the boy I've loved my entire life that it was enough for them to torture me for it. But I know they just want to push me. Doesn't matter though. I couldn't ever change anything between the two of us. It was fine just how I wanted it.


Princesa|| An Elite storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora