Chp.13 The "I love You" Game

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One morning in class, before class can start, we then see Komi and Yamai togther in the classroom as Yamai seems like she's confronting Komi...

Yamai: Uh, Komi...I Um..yeah well so, I Uh...just wanted to say...I...I love you.

Komi: ...

(YN) comes in...

(YN): The hell you're doing now this time??

Komi: Mm.

(YN): Hey Komi.

Yamai: Oh hey (YN)! Just playing a game with Komi, it's called the "I love you" game.

(YN): The I love you whaa???

The I love you game: to play this game, you win if the person you say "I love you" to, smiles bashful or gets embarrassed. You're allowed to play around with how you say it and try different situations. In any case, you'll loose if you get embarrassed if they tell you "I love you." And that is the game Yamai set up for Komi.

(YN): That is honestly a dumb game to make up and play with.

Yamai: Oh it's not really! And besides, this game suits for Komi, she's really unbeatable knowing she gets no reaction when I tell her "I love you." *Psych! I just wanna say I love you to Komi! That's all! I don't care about winning or loosing, as long I say it to Komi!* Okay Komi, now it's time for you to tell me "I love you."

Komi: !

Yamai Mind: Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! This is what I've been waiting for! I really Wanna know how she's gonna tell me! I can't wait! Come on, give me your it~!

But Yamai has already lost as she blushes and looks away before the game even started...

(YN): You just lost..

Yamai: Oops, I did. I guess Komi is too good at this game! Let's-

Najimi: Hey guys! What are y'all doing?

Yamai: *Serioulsy?! You have to butt in at this time!?* Oh, hi Najimi! Oh nothing at all, right Komi?

Najimi: Really? You sure?

Yamai: Positive.

Najimi: Ah, oh and Komi?

Komi: Hm?

Najimi: I love you.

Komi: !!

Yamai: Bastard!

Najimi: Hey! I got you to react Komi! That means I won! Ha! But to make sure, (YN) here will be our judge.

(YN): Me??? ....Okay I guess.

(YN) looks at Komi and to see her trembling in fear, and yet not embarrassed when Najimi said I love you to her...

(YN): She's in the clear.

Najimi: So wrong!

Yamai: My turn! Haha, I love you~~

Komi: ....

Najimi: I love you~!!!

Komi: ....

Najimi: Komi's unbeatable! Alright, time to bust out our last resort! (YN) go!

(YN): Wha? Why me!?

Yamai: Yeah why-MMM!!

Najimi shuts Yamai's mouth with "they're" hand...

Najimi: You're our last hope to beat Komi! So come on! Unless you're too scared.

(YN): What?!

Najimi: You heard me! I mean if you can't say those simple words to her, then it's embarrassing. It's only a game you know? And if you do hesitate, then it seems you're for real!

(YN) Mind: Ugh! This dumbass, she just had to butt me into this game! ....I mean, it is a dumb game, why even be so embarrassed about long Komi doesn't get embarrassed, it'll be treated as a joke...okay then.

(YN) looks at Komi, as he and her both stare at each others eyes...(YN) takes a deep breathe...and then to look away and saying it with a fluster look...

(YN): I lov-

Najimi. you loose!

(YN): Huh?? Wait, so even the person saying it can't be embarrassed??

Najimi: Well duh of course, it's embarrassing thing to say.

(YN): O-Oh...I guess so.

Najimi. welp that's the end of the game, so anyways...

While Najimi talks, (YN) was again more flustered of the fact he was this close of saying it to Komi..

(YN) Mind: Komi was really calm about it...I mean of course she is, being told "I love you" by me is nothing...heh...I mean...

Suddenly, Komi stood up from her desk...

(YN): O-Oh, bathroom break?

Komi: ...M-Mhm.

(YN): Okay then...see you in a bit then.

Najimi: See ya Komi!

Yamai: Later Komi!

(YN): *Huh...wonder what's up with Komi this time?* ...Ach-oo! Oh man...

Najimi: Bless you, wow, that one was a harsh one (YN), you alright?

(YN): Yea, I am...I think...

As Komi walks out of the room...and instead of going to the bathroom....she walks down the hallway, and to lean against the wall, cover her face, and to blush a lot and silently squeal...reason why is because she was relieve that Najimi stopped (YN) from saying it to her...
But at the same time, she really wanted him to say it to her.


Komi Can't Communicate Presents: Shouko Komi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now