Kissing Ethan's head, I placed him in her arms.

"Do you want a bath?" she asked, as she bounced him up and down while they walked off towards the bathroom.

"He's already been changed," I said to her.

"But you want a bath. Don't you, Ethan?" She grinned and I rolled my eyes and watched as they disappeared.

"She's been waiting for a grandchild forever. Let her have her fun," Marco said and smiled, as he leaned against the window.

"Well as long as she's having fun," I replied, moving towards him. "How are you enjoying the role of babysitter?"

"I was enjoying it a lot more before you labeled it. I've taken up a few new hobbies, why does the Great Jennie wish to know?"

"Idle hands are the devil's play tool."

He perked up slightly, as if he were waiting for the bone I was throwing his way. I gazed out the window and stared at the Washington Monument that stood in the distance.

"Do you plan to keep me in suspense for long?"

Giving him my attention, I sighed. "I need you to create different identities for us."

"Don't you have those already?" He frowned.

"We do, but I need them to cover every angle. Birth records, passports, taxes, education, yearbooks, I need you to build us eight brand new lives."

"You mean nine, including Ethan."

"No, eight, including Ethan. Maybe even seven, but for now eight."

He stared into my eyes and I didn't flinch.

"Mina and Bambam—"

"Have a choice."

"Do you really believe new IDs will be needed?"

"I don't know. But I'd rather be safe than ignorant to the facts. Avian is different. If anything happens, I want to have my bases covered."

"Fine. I'll get working on it, but it will take time."

"That's why I'm telling you now. And Marco, don't allow anyone to find out you're doing this, not even Evelyn. Not even Lisa knows what I'm asking of you. I don't want her thinking that I doubt us."

He nodded as the door opened and Lisa walked in dressed in jeans and a button down shirt with a bag over her shoulder.

"You both look suspicious," she said tentatively.

"They do, don't they," Evelyn stated, as she stepped in with a sleepy looking Ethan in her arms. Lisa kissed his head and this time he didn't cry but yawned instead.

"We have a meeting to get to," I said, and Lisa nodded.


"Name?" a blond-haired bodyguard asked as he blocked our path into the mansion with his hands.

For it being so early in the day, you would think there wouldn't be so many people already here, but that didn't seem to be the case. Nothing got people going more than a millionaire throwing a pool party.

Pushing the glasses up my fake nose, I looked to Jen as she clenched her hand in annoyance, the short hair of her wig blew slightly to the side. She wore a short, red beach dress that had already caught the attention of a few men lingering around the property. The music was so loud it seemed to make the closed doors vibrate from outside.

"We're the tax collectors," I said, and the big man looked to the second guard in confusion.

"We've already paid the tax. I know this because I personally paid it myself," he sneered as he eyed us both.

Heartless People |Book 3|Where stories live. Discover now