The news

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I was sitting on the couch texting my friends on the phone while my twin and little brother was playing a video game when all of a sudden my dad walks in yelling at someone on the phone, after he is done with the phone call he puts his phone down on the table and shows us a bored game but we are not paying attention.

"Have y'all ever heard of shoots and ladders, if you land on a ladder you get to climb up, and if you land on a slide you have to slide back down to the start." Dad said while he was showing us the bored game.

Greg says, " what does the winner win a training bra." I laugh while going back to texting.

Keithie says, " yeah dad that sound boring." I nod as he says it.

The phone starts ringing and dad starts explaining that he use to play it all the time with his friends while having hot chocolate. Then keithie starts yelling for Rita to get him some hot chocolate.

I look at keithie and say, " dude she is doing laundry text her but also say I want some hot chocolate too." Greg nods his head too. Dad starts yelling for someone to answer the phone and then keithie says " I should get something for my throat."

Dad says " go get it yourself what kids text there nanny to get stuff for them just get it yourself." Then Rita walks in with our stuff, so I put my phone down and grab my cup I start to take a sip.

Dad says " Rita who was on the phone?" I spit the hot chocolate back in the cup and make a face. I about to stop keithie and Greg from drinking it but then Rita says " oh I am sorry mr. freder Becky answered it." Keithie and Greg then take a drink and then makes a face.

Greg says, " Rita what is this are you trying to poison me." As we put our cups back on the tray. My dad got mad at that.

Dad says " just go back to texting I don't want to hear that again." I grab my phone and went back to texting. When dad looks out the clear door and sees the car moving and walks to the door I look over just to see the car hit the table. We all run outside as we get outside Becky walks out the car.

Becky says " I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Dad hugs her and tells her it's ok. She says " I was trying to use the navy," my dad looked confused and asked what. She says " I was try to use the navy that the one you ask the questions." I shake my head cause not the name of it.

Keithie says " the navigation system you idiot." I hit keithie in the back of the head and shake my head at him.

Becky says " the guy on the phone said your friend coach buzzer went to heaven and I was trying to use the navy to find heaven so you could see your friend." Dad face drop and he looked sad. Becky ask " who is your friend daddy."

My dad says " he is just an old friend of mine." Then we all go inside.


Ok that is the first chapter I hope you liked it.

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